17. 2/25/16

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{Chapters every second day now, this chapter's unedited}

25 February 2016

"Josh don't burn my f#cking omelet!" Cal shouted, seeing that Josh has taken his eyes off of his omelet for more than thirty-seconds.

"Calm down, lad.  You're so screechy," Josh said, walking back over to check on the omelet.  He seemed to be in no rush.

"Did you just call me 'squeezy?'"

I lightly shoved Josh away from the stove, taking over the omelet station, "No, he said 'screechy,' but squeezy sounds adorable.  Calsqueezy."

"Yeah, so adorable," Josh mumbled, grabbing a towel to dry the dishes I had just previously washed.

"You call you're girlfriend all sorts of names too, don't get on our case." Cal easily shut him down.

I slid the omelet onto a plate and reached for a fork. Placing the plate in front of Cal, I leaned over and whispered, "You owe me something."

"What? F#ck no. I made you pancakes yesterday," he retorted.

"Welp, I'm going to go take a shower. Have fun and don't do it on the couch." Josh set the towel on the counter, unfolded, and left the room.

"You know, I'm going to miss this when I'm gone," Cal spoke.

"Then you should just plan more trips," I sighed, picking up my fork.

"Well, I just came down here, maybe you should visit London sometime.  I have a few mates you might like to meet.  Chris and Joe, they're good lads."

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"Please? I don't want this to be the last time I see you. I was expecting us to be all awkward and weird around each other, but we just clicked together," Cal rambled.

I took a bit of my own omelet before speaking. "I expected you to be a complete stranger who'd have nothing in common with me. Didn't know I'd be meeting someone like you."

25 February 2016

"I don't know when I'll see you again," I mumbled into the taller boy's shoulder.  We were standing together in a cliché type of hug at terminal 108.

"Promise me, if we can't meet within three or four months, we'll meet back at this airport, same time, same terminal on the twelfth of May, this year," Cal spoke, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"Ok," I mumbled, pulling away from him.

"Look at me my little lazy#ss, it'll be okay."

"Thanks you hot mess."

A small beep came from the speakers overhead, "Terminal 108 is now boarding."


"What, Harry?"

"This won't be goodbye, right?"

"How could I resist staying away from a hot thing like you?" Cal winked and headed off to board his flight back to London.

I saw him pass through the doors and into the airplane. I stayed until he was out of sight. He was gone.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but it's time for us to leave," Josh said calmly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know," I sighed, turning around. "He's just, gone though. Gone. I don't know when we'll meet again."

"Just wait for the twelfth of May. At three-thirty we need to be right here at terminal 108. I promise I'll get you here, no matter what."

"Do you have a pen?" I questioned, stopping dead in my tracks.

"A what?" Josh spun around to face me.

"A pen," I repeated.

"Yeah, why?"

"I need it."

Josh took out an orange pen he had for some reason. I uncapped it and wrote:

12 May 2016 3:30
Be there you hot mess
Love, your one and only lazy#ss

"Thanks, Joshy," I chuckled, handing the pen back to him.

"If you right the word 'lazy#ss' on you're arm everyday, people are going to think you've gone mental."

"It's not already noticeable?"

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