13. 2/21/16

698 34 5

21 February, 2016

"I swear if I die!" Cal shouted. Judging by his state, he was not interested in heights.

"Mate, no one is more scared of heights than I am. So please, step down!"

"Promise me you'll give me a proper funeral?" Cal asked, grabbing my hand.

"Callum, I pro- HOLY F#CKING MOTHER OF PEARL!" I screamed, my throat was burning and all the oxygen in my lungs was leaving me at an alarming rate.

"WHY DID WE DO THIS SH#T?" I heard Callum screech from the left of me.


The small sphere we were in that had us strapped down for our safety, was going up and down and side to side. The straps seemed as if they'd fly off and we would end up landing in an unmannerly fashion.

As the ride started to slow down, Callum still held onto my hand. "I think we should do that again sometime," he chuckled.

"Ahuuug ifsh hu isf shna," was all I managed to wheeze out.

A confused expression was plastered across Callum's face, "You what, mate?"

"Only going again if you're going," I huffed out, squeezing his hand to test the waters. He smiled and pulled my hand up to his rosy cheeks.

"As you wish," he laughed, pressing my hand to his lips as he spoke.

The workers slowly pulled the small sphere back down. "Thanks!" Cal said, crawling out from the sphere.

"Wow, we went all the way up there," I breathed out, looking up.

"Holy sh#t," Callum mumbled, also looking up.

"So, we're still here, what next?" I asked.

"You planned this night! How am I supposed to know?" he laughed.

"Well, I mean I guess we could- Cal look! There's a giant stuffed lion!" I screeched, pointing at a carnival game.

"Harry, is that going to fit in your flat?" Cal laughed.

"It'll fit." I raced off to the carnival game, dragging poor Cal behind me.

"Can you shoot hoops?" I mumbled, staring at the hoops and miniature basketballs.

Cal took a good, hard look at the basket, then back to the ball, then to the basket, then back to the ball, "Do-able."

I handed the carnival game operator the right amount of money to play the game.

Cal took his first shot, throwing the ball effortlessly at the hoop. Ding!

"Yes Cal! Just do that fourteen more times!" I squeaked.

The timer read three more
minutes left, Cal was desperately trying to get three more shots in, he had missed about four in a row.

"F#cks sake, move over." I nudged the tall, lanky kid to the side and took over.

"That was rude af," Cal whined.

"Shut up, you're doing bad on purpose."

"Caught me red handed."

I was one shot away from winning a giant stuffed lion. Thirty second son the clock, I took my last shot and- Ding! Bzzzzzzzzerht!

"F#ck yeah! Give me the stuffed lion!" I exclaimed, "Please?"

The carnival operator reluctantly handed me the giant stuffed lion, I guess he didn't want to part with it.

"What shall we name it?" Cal asked, squeezing its nose.

"Jacob," I replied, smiling.



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