42. 5/12/16

310 12 0

Twelft of May, 2016
10:29 {Freezy}

"Was yesterday the first time you said, 'I love you' to me?" Harry asked out of the blue. 

Was that really the first time?  There had to be other times I had.  "I don't thi-"

"No, no, I mean the real, genuine 'I love you.'"

"I uh-  I guess?  I mean I've said it before.  Maybe it's the first genuine one?  I don't know," I mumbled.

Harry and I had been sat informs of a computer to watch and make sure that the money was transferred correctly from the stream a couple days ago.

With the little talk we had died down, we resumed our youtube video binge.  This morning Harry had stumbled across a channel that drew cartoons.  The Odd One Is Out is what it's called I believe, but the words are all mashed together. 

It had us both in fits of laughter as we watched the videos from my Mac.  Lachlan and Vikk had asked us to "quiet our joy" a few times.  They were filming Minecraft videos or something along those lines.

After a few hours, we all went out to grab a late lunch at a local dinner and Lachlan, much to his dismay, treated us. It was a long day but everyone enjoyed themselves.


I woke up in the middle of the night wrapped in my sheets and blankets like a bear's fur coat.

The empty space beside me seemed vast and barren. It was lonely and so was I.

Tripping over a few controllers left on the floor and whispering profanities, I managed to make it out of my bedroom and into the hallway.

The hallway led into an open room with walls for windows. A beautiful silhouette of Harry was revealed as I stepped into the spacious room.

I grabbed Vikk's phone off the counter and took a quick photo of him and sent it to me. After deleting the picture from the phone, I went to sit with Harry.

"Can't sleep?" He asked.

"Something along those lines," I sighed, leaning back and resting on the palms of my hands.

"I just- I guess I think to much. Then I can't sleep. I'll think about my family, about my life, about all the things that make me- well, me." His eyes explored the city we were sat above and it looked as if they held the world. "I always sit here when I think. Sometimes I'll go on the roof. I feel like I can control something when I'm here. My thoughts, my actions, and my life. When I'm on the roof I have a choice between life and death. I'll sit on the edge and look down, but I'll never lean just a little to far to fall."

"I can see why you come here. It's so- beautiful. It's so easy to get lost in your anxious thoughts and worries," I spoke, taking in the view piece by piece.

"It's my way of relaxing. Everyone needs a way of getting out of society's repeat button. This is mine," Harry smiled and leaned his head on mine. His knees were pulled up to his chest and his breathing was slow, calm, and steady.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, kissing the top of his head.

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