It was half eleven at night and we were at my parent's house, we had already eaten Christmas dinner and were waiting until midnight to start opening presents. Me and Chris had decided to spend the majority of Christmas eve at my house and open some presents here and then go back to Chris's parent's house later on in the day. We were all sat near the fireplace drinking hot chocolate in our pj's, I was sat in in-between Chris's legs as he had one arm around my waist the other keeping himself sat up. Mid conversation the clock chimes midnight, "merry Christmas!" we all say. I look up at Chris "merry Christmas gorgeous" I whisper, "merry Christmas munchkin" he says softly before leaning down and giving me an upside down kiss. "now presents!" my mom says rubbing her hands together eagerly. We take turns giving each other presents, "(Y/N) this is for you." Chris says softly handing me a present. I open it gently to find a large square box, I open the box and my eyes fall upon the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was simple and understated, the main part of it was silver with small accents of my birthstone in it. "oh my gosh Chris this is beautiful!" I say softly gently holding it up, "I'm glad you like it, here let me help you put it on" he says taking it from me. I lift up my hair as his gentle hands place the necklace around my neck, once done I guide his face with my hands and kiss him. "now here's you presents" I says handing him a small box and a slightly larger one, he open the smaller one first and laughs at the present. I had got him a Gucci guilty as a small joke, he thanks me before opening the next one. He look into the box confused to find it empty with only a small gold envelope inside, he takes it out and raises and eyebrow at me confused. I gesture for him to open it, once he does his face lights up with excitement. "omg (Y/N) I thought this game was sold out!" he says excitedly, I had got him two really good tickets to see the patriots next game. "thank you! You are the best girlfriend in the world!" he laughs pulling me into a bear hug and then kissing me. We open the rest of the presents me and Chris leaving some for when we go to his parent's house, I look up at the clock and see its 2am and proceed to yawn. "alright munchkin I think it's time we went to bed" Chris says resting his chin on my shoulder, he lifts me up with him. "thank you for an amazing start to Christmas Mr and Mrs (Y/L/N)" Chris says to my parent before leading me to bed where we fall asleep until 8:30 am when we leave to get to his parent's house.

When we arrive we find the kids all excited to open the presents, but before we could get to opening presents we all sat down for chocolate chip pancakes and waffles. As soon as we put our knives and forks down we were all dragged into the lounge by the kids. We let the kids begin to open their presents, the kids loved their present from me and proceeded to run over and give me a massive hug. I then gave the small presents I got for each member of the family out, they all opened them saying I didn't need to do this and then thanking me for the gifts I got them. "Chris here's your present from me" I say passing him a small box. He opens it and pulls out the necklace with an army dog tag, it read the exact place, date and time that we became an item. "(Y/N) this is amazing!" he says softly before kissing me "I will wear it every day so that you are always close". I smile up at him happy that he liked it, "now here's your gift from me" he says handing me a present. I open it to find a book with a picture of me and Chris on the front, confused I open it to see picture upon picture of times we have spent together. Pictures from when we were 11 right up to the London trip, I laugh at one of the pictures of me dressed up in a full captain America suit holding his shield and pulling a pose. As I flick through I begin to well up at the memories, I flick to the last page where an envelope falls out. I pick it up to find a key, "I know you don't want to move in just yet , but with this you can come and go as you please" he says softly "and when you do want to move in its all ready for you" I gently grab his face and kiss him, I rest my forehead on his and laughs gently though the tears. "Thank you so much, it's the best thing I have ever been given" I say softly "after you of course." He smiles down at me sweetly before kissing me again, smiling at the same time.

We sat down at the large dining table for our second Christmas dinner, we all talk and laugh at the crappy jokes in the crackers. I sat next to Chris and once we finished eating he had his arm around me and I leaned against his shoulder as best as I could without falling off the chair. "how about we all watch a movie?" Scott suggests, we all murmur in agreement as he takes the kids away from the table to pick a movie. "Did he just do that so he didn't have to clean up?" Lisa asks as she watches him leave the room. "oh most defiantly" Chris chuckles standing up to help with the plates. The majority of the adults were in the large kitchen taking their place as either washing up, putting away dishes or putting away leftovers. I was putting the final touches to the brownies me and Chris made, it didn't take long to be ready since there was about 7 of us all doing something to help. When we get back into the living room we find Scott on the floor with the kids playing with the toys, he notices us and sits up immediately "hey kids who did we say was the worst super hero?" Scott says to the kids. "Uncle Chris!" they cheer, we all try not to laugh apart from Chris. "wow okay who's the best superhero then?" Chris asks, "CAPTAIN AMERICA!" they cheer louder. Scott's face fell as Chris begins to laugh with the rest of us "guuyss that's not what we discuss!" Scott whines to the kids who just laugh at him. We all sat down and watched the muppets Christmas carol, I sat next to Chris with his arm around me. Halfway through the movie I feel weight on my side and look down to see stella, who had taken a particular liking to me, snuggled up to me as she fell asleep.


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