Family Trip

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Tomorrow we would all leave and head off to Amercia. Tara was glad to be getting some space from London, but first we all needed some new attire as stated by Mark the tour manager. The lot of us, Woody, Will, Chrissy, Awuoi, Lucy, Kyle, Linda, Tara, and myself climbed into the tube. My mother was merely coming so she could meet up with my sister Aria nearby our stop. Tara was off somewhere else, surveying the others in the tube car while everyone else typed away on their phones. I had music playing in my ears, oblivious to what Tara was focusing on.

"Switch seats yeah?" I gave her a look as did my mother before she stood and took my end spot and I slid down. Kyle, Lucy, Woody, and Chrissy sat across from the rest of us. It all happened so quick, a man wearing a large jacket yanked on the line to stop the car in a emergency before pulling open his jacket. A bloody bomb. Panic estowed until his gun fired then there was silence.

"Everyone sit down! Sit the fuck down!" He was sweating, the gun trembling in his hand. Everyone was stiff and silent except for whimpers or cries. "Sit the fuck down so I can think!" The train doors didn't open, the others did and began getting evacuated slowly. Tara was looking down before taking a deep breath and returning her gaze to watch the man. He paced for a few moments before the silence was broken.

"Sir?" Everyone looked to her even he did. "This isn't going to fix anything? Ex military right?"

" What is it to you?" He clicked his gun safety off and aimed it towards her. She didn't move and stayed blocking me as she was on the end seat.

"I know what you're feeling..."

"No. No you don't!" Just like that she stood, his hand was trembling, but now if she got shot it would surely just be her to fall.

"I really do. My name is special agent Tara Wolf. What's yours?"

" William... Gills... Lieutenant Gills."

"Nice to meet you Lieutenant Gills. Where did you serve?"

"All... All over the middle East. I... I can't remember the names. I remember their faces!" She nodded slowly before clearing her throat.

"Well killing others won't make them go away. Now Lieutenant... I've got my weapon in my hostler and I want you to watch me take it out alright?" He nodded before blinking a few times. She unzipped her brown leather jacket and lifted her gun out. His hand was trembling more as she continued and squated down, sitting it on the floor before stepping over it.

"Stop! Don't... Don't make me kill you!"

"Mr. Gills I stopped fearing death a long time ago. Put down the gun and let me disarm that bomb yeah?"

" Why! Why should I!" He fired the gun, it missed and took out the window behind her. She clossed her eyes to that sound before opening them once more.

"Because! I know where the fuck you're at right now and I have been there!" He kept the gun aimed at her and backed up a step. " It isn't going to stop. Death isn't going to make it go away." A sob left him as he lowered his eyes.

"I couldn't save all of them. The school of fucking children. They won't stop screaming!"

"I know they won't. They never will William. You have to cope."

"What the fuck do you know!"

"I know I couldn't save everyone. I know that putting the gun to your head won't change a thing. I know where your head is at and you just want it to stop. After my first couple trips I thought it would get easier. That the memories would fade. Yeah?"

" Yeah."

"But they didn't. Right?"

" Yeah." He looked to her, his hand was slowly trembling now as if her words had gotten to him through the cloud.

"Gills? I hit bottom just like you. The gun that is behind me I had pressed to my temple probably 4 or 5 years ago. I was in some fucking mansion in the middle of no where and I was screaming at myself in the mirror saying pull the fucking trigger you coward. I pulled it at mirror. At the fucking voice yelling at me to pull it. That wasn't me. Just like this probably isn't you. Yeah?"

" Yeah. My wife... She... She left."

" She left because She didn't understand."

" Yeah... No one does."

" Well I do."

" How many time did this happen to you?"

" Well... Now let me think about that..." She laughed slightly. "I had put the gun to my head at least a half dozen times. I won't lie. Once I had... Put one bullet in and spinned the fucking chamber. I told myself if I die the first shot then alright... I pulled it. I was so fucking scared it was in that first slot. Then it clicked. Then it clicked again. And again. I fell to the ground crying." She was in reaching distance of his gun, yet she kneeled. The gun to her forehead. I was going to be sick and my mother's hand squeezed mine to the point it turned blue. "I'll ask you soldier... Lieutenant Gills. Are you going to be a coward and pull the trigger like I did? Or are you going to let me get you out of this alive?" The gun dropped from his death grip into her hands, she quickly tucked it into the back of her pants. "Everyone stay still!" She hollered and began examining the device before pulling a yellow wire from it, the red light going out. She slowly stood and motioned to someone outside the cart, quickly police filled the cart, William Gills being taken away in hand cuffs and Tara picked up her gun, tucking it away. She grabbed my hand as we were all guided off and back towards the streets. Of course she had handed his gun off to an officer while they carefully removed the bomb and placed it in the detonation container.

" Tara?" My mother mumbled, everyone was a bit shaken up except Tara.

" Yes mum?"

"What you said... Is it true?" Tara took a deep breath before nodding.

" Yes. Say why don't we all grab a bite to eat, calm our nerves yeah?" She glanced at the others. Everyone just nodded, still too in shock to say a word. We all sat down at some mediocre restaurant, yet Tara carried on. Ordered a whiskey before clearing her throat. "Oi, please snap out of it you all are scaring me."

"You scared me." I mumbled looking in her eyes before I pulled her into my arms and buried my face.

"Shh I'm alright Daniel.... I'm alright." She was turning out to be the calmness in this wild world.

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