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I glanced at my phone as we all sat watching tv, a sigh passed my lips as I pressed it to my ear.

" Hello?"

"Daniel, it's Evans. You were right. I'm sorry. Roberts is dead. Tara is here... Umm I think it be best if we tell you in person what has been happening." I hung up and grabbed my coat. Everyone looked at me as I panicked.

"I'll come." Kyle stood and quickly put his jacket on. We rushed out the door and to the base, I should have gotten a ticket, but thankfully there wasn't a cop on the road at this hour. I pushed through everyone to her room, her form was under a blankets shivering. Stevens was looking down at his hands and Evans pacing.

"Hey Tara...?" Stevens stood and grabbed my arm, motioning to the bedroom. Kyle and I followed. "What's going on? What happened."

" He... Was the guy who killed Kiki. He put her in that coma... He's been... He's been raping her this whole time... He just finally got caught today, but the coward hung himself. I think it would be best if she go home. Away from here Dan. She needs to get fresh air. I'll help you get her home, but if she stays here she's gonna lose it like I did, but worse." I was in shock, I wanted to punch something but it was already done. I glanced at the bed, the place she suffered for so long and began grabbing her things.

"Call Tina let her know and give her my address. Please."

" Yes of course." Kyle stood there, staring at the bed before closing his eyes.

"The fuck... Hasn't she been through enough?" His fist connected with the wall, making me stop and look at him. Why was he so upset.

"I visited all the time and I noticed the blankets were always messed up. Never neat. Yet when the nurse would come she would fix them so nice to keep her warm. I asked how come they look like shit when I get here. She said someone must be moving to them. Now I know. Someone was force fucking her! She was fucking in a coma!"

"I can't undo it... I just hope I can help her get past it Kyle." Stevens carried her to the car and we drove in silence. Then Will carried her up to my room where soon she was asleep and I explained to the others what had happened. Lucy cried and Will was fuming. Woody looked off into space before shivering. The broken woman was ours to fix. No medicine could take it away.

I lifted my head hearing the creaking of the floor along the hall. There she stood, wearing my hoodie and a pair of shorts. Her legs were shaking, quickly Will helped her along to sit beside me where she nearly complased.

"I couldn't sleep... I'm... Sorry." She mumbled. I pulled her into my lap, she was still skinnier than she use to be and weak. Yet here she was talking and acting nearly normal.

"It's okay" I placed my lips to her forehead before she placed her head over my heart, her hand clutching onto my shirt.


" Yes warrior princess?"

"Please tell me some place is open and is delivering pizza at this hour." Woody laughed before nodding and pulling out his phone.


" Yeah hun?"

"Tell me more about Bella." Lucy grinned and sat beside us, showing Tara the photos as she cooed over the baby in the photos that was thankfully asleep at this hour.

"I named her Bella because of your middle name. She missed her aunt." Tara laughed softly before glancing at me.

"I'm sure she had a amazing uncle to fill in for me." I smiled and gently stroked her cheek before pressing a kiss to her lips. She wasn't scared, thought it crossed mind she might not want to be touched. She kissed me a few times before flashing a small smile. "Thank you... For being so gentle..."

"I always am Tara." I mumbled before looking at her small hand in mine. "I missed you on tour. We released the album. People were asking about you."

"Mmm Wesley probably fired me."

"Evans briefed him... He was going to order you a stripper." She laughed softly before shaking her head.

"I'm going on tour this time. I'm not staying behind. I love you." I laughed softly before smiling.

"I love you too." Woody rushed to the door as the bell rung before coming back with Pizza. Just like before she'd shoveled pieces after piece into her mouth before falling asleep right there sitting up. Except this time she was free of nightmares. Free from anything that disrupt her sleep. In fact it was the first time in over a year that I slept through the night. We all slept in even Bella. The family was back together without anything standing between us. She had a long road to recovery, but with us by her side it would be easier. This wild world had calmed down just a little bit for her tonight.

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