sixty nine - 12:31pm

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Jacob recently told the younger boy that he's back cool with his best friend, so of course Jacob didn't shoot anyone. Especially not someone that's close to him. Chresanto understand Jacob's every stress. Well, still beginning to. But, Chresanto now know the reason why he's stuck on delivered in the chat. He don't know what he should react more to—the fact Jacob's arrested or the fact Jacob could be mad at him, for not knowing what love is. He knows it's not right to think about the second option at a time like this, but the emotions are eating him up again.

And that's why he's out and about after his school's early release to take his mind off of it. Usually, Chresanto can care less if someone's mad at him. Exception, him and the older boy has been pretty close for a minute. He'd hate to throw away the friendship like it's nothing. Fuck this little mean, Chiraq verbality that Bryson believes Chresanto adapts. He's tired of causing and dealing with problems with Jacob from now on. When they first start talking, it was problematic before getting casual.

Could Chres feel like this because he's suddenly attracted to Jacob? The world may never know, because he doesn't want to know. It's a million and one ways why it's impossible for Chresanto to develop some crush on Jacob.

Denial and distance is included. Maybe something will inflate between them, when the revolution comes.

Chresanto returns to his home screen, stands up, sticks his almost ruined screen iPhone in his back pocket, and grabs the food tray that he was snacking Chick-Fil-A in. He drove off the school's campus a some minutes earlier because he had a slight haircut appointment inside this mall. Prom is happening tomorrow evening, so he had to be prepared to sketch out his appearance. His perfectionist ways is still bothering him that he feels like he can't think straight. He doesn't even understand why he's nervous when this is not his first prom.

He's just nervous that he's escorting with someone that he had his eyes on for a while. He shouldn't be so tense since he's been kicking it with Normani lately. Right?

Now let's save the story between those two for a different day.

The younger boy leaves the almost crowded mall before it gets a little more crowded, especially when today's Friday and it's the afternoon. He ate enough for the afternoon so he wonders about taking a nap until the evening; because he'd like to hang out with his close friends. There's not a Friday night where he's not with the friends he love the most, having fun, no matter what there's doing. Even when the weather's horrible, one of them make it to someone's house. Chresanto relies on constantly hanging with them to keep from a negative energy that's now stored inside of him to grow. He's pretty tired of getting depressed about something he can not help. His disability, and lately, his feelings.

Another thing he have no clue on what's worst. He don't know why he gives Jacob so much advice that he doesn't even go by. He wants to believe it that he needs it than someone else, but he avoids on being selfish. And maybe helping someone else could possibly help himself. Chresanto refuse to consider that he's currently sad, because if he were, he would most likely second guess about tomorrow's night event. At least that's how he feels.

After he was quick searching for his car in the huge parking lot that's cars are crossing, he pulls out his keys, abandoning the idea of clicking the car's alarm━since he remembers where he placed his vehicle. Now before the younger boy could add more steps in the lot, he strangely heard some booming loud voice from an unidentified guy, that looks around the same age as Chres.

"Yo!" another strange thing is that the guy with a small clique began shoving Chresanto's back. "Cop up them 10s, nigga!"

"Nah, nigga, you better buy your own!" Chresanto chuckles non-amusely, averting the other two strangers that were in his way, to focus on the kid who spoke.

Many people talked about taking one of Chres' favorite possession away from him, but, they were actually kidding. From the looks of this, these unknown adolescent guys that's ganging up on him in a public air seems like their plan isn't fake.

One of the guys that Chres turned his back on roughly grabs him, and questionably places a cold, stainless steel blade against Chres's neck. Of course, the younger boy wouldn't let anything crazy happen to him so he starting striking the guy from behind with his elbow, but he resists; which that made the guy lifts him up. The kid that basically threatened Chresanto for his pair of luxurious sneakers crouches down and roughly pulls the right shoe off, without at least untying.

At this point, Chresanto wishes to fight back a little more as he was feeling weak, with a knife that's close to ripping his neck apart. He don't understand what's going on, as he feeling pretty livid. It's so intense that he doesn't understand every part of this situation.

After the villainous guy confiscated the younger boy's shoes, he starts to laugh, following with his crew━getting entertained with this public humiliation. As he got want he wanted in the harsh way ever, the boy with the knife carelessly dumps Chres on the cement. None of them know the younger boy to know that he's suffering from cerebral palsy, meaning that was one bad idea to throw him on the hard, black cement like he's nothing. Especially how the way his body clashed.

Other than the mean guys left with his shoes, and he's feeling pain almost everywhere on his body to the point this an emergency, this is what Chresanto was hoping to avoid.

The life of a young, crippled individual.

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