daughter of hell 57

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Mr. Cocky opened his mound to, of course, protest, but Nate beat him to it.

"You were high? Awesome!"

He held up his hand for a high five, wich Mr. Cocky rudely ignored. I slapped his raised hand, if only to irritate Mr. Cocky.

"He called me a genieprincess." I grinned.

"Dude. What other embarassing shit has he said?" Nate asked eager.

"If I remember correclty, it was something along the lines of 'pretty genieprincess with toxic waste green eyes' or something like that."

"Oh right, and 'the melon, the melon, protect the watermelon' is so much better?" He asked.

Damn, had I said that out loud?

"And let's not forget the 'doom on you, doom on you, if you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, doom on you.' That one was pretty bad too."

And I wanted to slap that cocky smirk righ of his arrogant face. Instead I gave him my sweetest smile and batted my eyelashes. He looked at me suspiciously, as he should.

"Sweetie, you've got some mighty groveling to do before I'll even consider forgiving you for getting high. Now for the dragging me off to 'bloodsucker world'... let's say that both our immortal lives won't cover the time you'd need to beg for my forgivness, double that time for me dealing with the fact that you bound me. So, I'd suggest you don't mock me any further, if you ever want to get on my good side again."

"You actually have a good side?"

Since it was Nate who'd asked, I let it slide.

"You're on it, handsome." I laughed.

Wich was both true, Nate was an easygoing guy who was indeed very handsome with his twinkling green eyes, and a smile that encouraged you to join him. I felt a figure behind me approach, way too close to my fragile wings for my liking. Too fast for a human's eye I spun around, accidently spreading my wings and making the air move. The sudden change knocked Sam to the ground with a loud thud. Behind me stood Jake and he was eyeing my wings as cheeta looks at his prey, as if he was searching for a weakness, ready to pounce. The look in his eyes told me he was still in doubt, I intended to keep it that way. I liked Jake, but I simply did not trust him, for his loyalty lay with Seth, never me.

"Like what you're seeing?" I taunted.

Warm brown eyes glinting with amused roved over me, making me want to fidge with my clothes. Clothes, a shirt that I did no longer wair because of my wings.

Seth cursed under his breath and threw me his shirt to cover me up. He stood there, bared before me from his waist all the way up. Damn, he had a fine body, all hard muscles and plains, and a tattoo to die for. The complicated patern of wires laced over his chest, right above the place the heart was supposed to be, I had a bit of trouble believing vampires had one, and if they had, that it worked. The tattoo was black and green, with in the middle of the chaos of wires some kind of dark blue inscription. It was yummy and quiet supprising that I thought so. Thanks to my mother I had developed a strong adversion against tattoos.

"Cover yourself up."

I rolled my eyes and slowly withdrew my wings untill they were nothing more than a blue tattoo on my back. The transformation was painless, unlike unfolding the wings wich brought me excrutiating pain. I saw the guys stare and quickly threw on Mr. Cocky's shirt, his smell enveloped me, I inhaled deeply.

"So, how'd your first stay at Gramoira go, demon girl?" Vic asked with a big grin on his face.

I flipped him off, Mr. Cocky had probably already told him everything, no doubt about it. They were after all twins, anyway all these weirdo's were joined to the hip, I wonder what made them so close, from what I'd found out, they were from completly different social classes: two princes, a generals son, a commoner, a halfbreed, I didn't know much about Samuel's and Luke's background but I presumed they were nobility, I could tell from the stick up in their asses.

"I'm so happy you find this amusing, since I nearly died I myself fail to see the humor in it. For some reason being stuck in vampireland was not on my top ten to do list.By the way"

I gave Mr. Cocky one of my killer glares.

"I still haven't forgiven you for getting me stuck there in the first place."

"Damn it, Luci! I've already told you why I had to it, that angel was following us, Raphael."

"Please! Do really think I'm that stupid?"

He looked confused, someone obviously hadn't done his himework.

"You know I'm above Raphael in the angelhierachy."

I saw him forming the words but I cut him off.

"And don't even think that because he's been promoted is the reason I couldn't sense him, even if that was true, I'd still have sensed him, his aura's like an elephant! The slightest movements he makes and the grounds vibrates with his force. Any demon, even one as low as a succubus, would have sensed him from miles away. And don't even think about feeding me any crap about me being too weak to sense him, Luxurius was on the icerink, he's one of the Seven Deadly Sins! You don't get much better than that!"

switch P.O.V. (Seth)

Why couldn't she believe me?

"You believed me in Gramoira."

I knew it was the wrong thing to do, but I wanted her to face the truth and to stop thinking she was invincible.

"You believed me and it scared you so much that you not only put yourself on fire, but me as well!"

"Fuck you, Seth."

I more felt the rage surging through her than I saw it on her face. Yes, I saw her eyes turn that eery violet that I had only seen once before, but the rest of her face didn't betray anyting. But I felt her anger, her desparation at my words, the need to prove me wrong. I felt it. I could not possibly feel something like the need to prove myself wrong, it was...

The mating bond.

I turned and went straight to the bathroom, distantly hearing Luci mumble something like 'What an excellent time to take a piss, coward', but this was something I needed to now.

My chest still bore the same complicated patern of black and green wires as it had since me and Luci had first kissed. It was the sole proof that she was my mate. In the middle of the chaos of wires was the dark blue inscription, an inscription that differed from mating couple to another, but it meant all the same: forever bound together.

The mating would be complete when the male drank his females blood, when she offered it freely. Luci had.

Man, Luci was going to kill me when she found out about this.

(I am much more happy about this one than I have been about my other recent (or not so recent; sorry!) uploads. And don't worry, the explanation about all the why's and hows you're thinking about right now will come:D

thanx for reading,

xx impossible)

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