Daughter of hell 75

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Not sure how I feel about this one... I've been out of practise. So for anyone still interested, here it is.

x Impossible

P.S.: I can't seem to get the format right, so if you notice something severly off, let me know.

automatically rated R, which is ridiculous. so no worries: I'm not scarring your minds beyond repair. ;-)


His mouth left mine and moved to my jaw, placing hot open mouthed kisses in a trail down towards my neck. Down towards my frantic beating pulse, where he paused.

His mouth lavished on to the spot, but he didn't break the skin. If I hadn't been an awesome fast healing demon, I'd be worried about the hickey later, but since I was an awesome demon who needed to be hit by a sledge hammer several times before bruising I couldn't be bothered. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him off on how I wasn't a freaking tree he could mark like a pissing dog, but he moved on to my ear, tracing the shell with his tongue. I moaned loudly.

I could feel his smug smile even though his mouth was buried behind my ear.

"You know, for a minute back there I thought you'd rather take a sip then cop a feel." I said lightly.

One very brave hand made it south to my shirt, but I intercepted it before it could crawl under the hem.

"Although I might appreciate you wanting to grab the booty over gorging down my blood. That still doesn't mean I'm going to let you."

"I don't gorge!"

"Please, I've seen you eat. You practically inhale your food."

"Sugar, I could swallow you whole and still not be satisfied. That, however, does not mean I'm a hog."

"I get that you're trying to be cute and all but a vampire telling me that he could suck me dry does not turn me on."

"By Nix, you know that's not how I meant it! You're so freaking impossible."  

I laughed, delighted when his expression grew more aggravated. I buried my nose into his neck, sniffing up his sent like a human heroine addict.

"Baby, you're sexier than socks on a rooster." I murmured.

His hands gripped my waist and pulled me away from his delectable neck.  

Those intriguing blue eyes stared at me as if I was brain damaged.  

"I don't go around saying that stuff to just about anyone." I defended myself.

"Maybe you should keep it that way. Not saying that stuff to anyone, I mean."

"You don't know how to take a compliment."

I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a quick peck on the mouth. But before I could pull back he had already tangled his right hand in my hair and kept me immobile, plundering my mouth with hot wet strokes.

A cold metal cuff clicked around my right wrist.

Which left my stronger left hand free to grab whoever dared to chain me. Same went for Seth's right hand. We both ended up grabbing Jake, Seth held him by his shirt, I roughly grabbed him by his ear. I twisted it painfully and smiled when I heard him suck in a breath in pain.

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