(Y/N)'s POV

I flick through the pages of my high school yearbook reminiscing about my time there. most people look at it once then store it somewhere to collect dust, but I was constantly finding it whenever I  met someone new and brought them too my apartment. Not to show them my life story but to prove that I am friends with the one and only Chris evans and that you have known each other since the start of high school. I found the page I was looking for, the most likely to page; my eyes fall upon the picture of me and Chris with the words most likely to win Oscars. We both were passionate about acting. We both went to the same drama club and ended up both going to the same acting college and graduating with honours. I smile thinking about the times we shared, it wasn't hard as soon as someone found out it was all they could ask about not really caring about your life but more about his. I didn't have very many friends for that reason. I sigh and look up at the clock reading 9pm, although it wasn't that late I got myself ready for bed. I had work in the morning and it was your birthday, not that I would celebrate it in any way. Once in my pyjamas I hear my phone buzz. I look over at it and saw his name.

From Chris: heyy (Y/N) you able to skype?

From (Y/N): sorry I can't have to get up early tomorrow, will skype you when I get in from work at around 8pm

From Chris: you do realise what date it is tomorrow right?

From (Y/N): yes I do but I need the money, acting at the moment isn't really paying the bills.

When I finished college I was able to pick up a few acting jobs but not like Chris did. Any movie I did went straight to DVD and the thing you did the most was commercials

From Chris: But it's your birthday couldn't you take the day off and hang with friends

From (Y/N): No, Not that I have anyone really that I want to hang out with...

From Chris: ow that hurts me, I thought we were close? What about your boyfriends can't you hang out with him?

From (Y/N): you know what I mean Chris you're on the other side of America at the moment, and my boyfriend is working nights at the moment...

From Chris: well I will let you get your beauty sleep considering that you need it and will see you on skype tomorrow

From (Y/N): hey!!! Now I'm the one that's hurt

From Chris: you know I was joking, bye (Y/N)

From (Y/N): Bye

I switch off my phone and fall asleep moment after not wanting to wake up tomorrow for work.


I walk out of my apartment building to be caught by the spring air of New York City, in my bright green uniform I start to walk towards work. I work in the local trampoline park up in the café. It was alright and it paid the bills with a small amount left your luxuries such as food, but it didn't fulfill me light acting does.

I walk in to work and start opening the café by stocking up and switching on the coffee machine and slushie machines. While I start to count the float in the till the music begins playing, I groan internally knowing that I will be listening to the same 1 hour playlist for 10 hours straight. Soon the park becomes pack and I set to work making coffees and slushies and constantly clearing the tables. I start to think why I even bothered with this job; there were places that offered better pay. But I know you can't go anywhere else as no other company would allow me to suddenly take a few months off for filming. The only reason I got this job is because my boss was good mates with my dad and was a fan of my work, he allowed me to drop everything immediately for filming. At around 3pm you notice that the display fridge was starting to look empty. I grab the step ladder so I can reach the very back of the top shelf, only being 5ft 1 I needed it to get the job done. I start to place can after can of drinks into the fridge, when I suddenly lose my balance and start to fall backwards. In my panic to stay upright you flail for something to grab, catching my foot in the ladder I still fall. I squeak as I brace for impact but it doesn't come. Instead I feel someone catching me, and hold me bridal style. I open my eyes embarrassed to that fact that a customer had to save you, but when I look up I see I face I wasn't expecting. "Surprise!" Chris says smiling "you okay you nearly fell over?" I struggle to form words; I swear he wasn't near New York at all. "I'm fine thanks" I say "how come you're in new York?" he smiles at you "I wanted to surprise you for your birthday!" he replies. You smile back thanking the fact that you had someone to spend the rest of the day with. "Aww thanks Chris but do you mind putting me down now?" I asking blushing once more. He suddenly realised that he was still holding me and begins to set me down. As soon as I put weight on my left foot my ankle gives out on me. I yelp and cling onto Chris, he looks down worried. "You okay?" he asks worriedly. I try to put weight on it again but fail. "I think I may need to go to first aid" you reply. I look down at my ankle and notice it has begun to swell. I call over to my co-workers and let them know where I was going. I try to limp downstairs "oh no no no no missy you can't walk on that" Chris says as he goes to pick you back up. I swat his arms away "no you can't carry me it's not professional" he holds up his hands in surrender "but you can't walk alone" he replies worried about how I going to get downstairs. "Well that help me walk but without carrying me" I say sighing. He wraps an arm around my back and keeps me up.

He sets me down in the first aid room, while a court monitor looks over at my ankle. He disappears out of the rooms saying he will be right back. " well it looks like you sprained your ankle "the court monitor says " you will need to go to the doctors to get it fully checked out though" I sigh as he places an ice pack on my ankle. Chris walks back in to the room with a large mango slushie and millionaire's shortbread for you and a rainbow slushie for himself. "You okay?" he asks as he hands me the slushie. "Sprained ankle I have to go to the doctors to get it checked out" I sigh looking down at the floor. "Looks like I won't be working for a while." Since I also work on the trampoline court and normal recovery time is tripled meaning I won't be allowed to work for 3 months. "That's okay you can come stay with me for a bit while I keep you company" Chris smiles "I'm back in Boston now so it won't be too far to travel" he looks at me pleadingly. I sigh "fine but my boyfriend won't be too happy."


After the trip to the doctors I get home with Chris and start to pack my bags. He start to help me pack the essentials that I would need. Just before we leave I write a note for my boyfriend telling him you were visiting old friends and would be gone for a while. Chris waits at the door for me holding all my bags, I smile and start to limb out the door into his car for the journey to Boston.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now