Chapter 1: The End of One Life

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-------------------------------------------------Lux's POV--------------------------------------------------------------

I woke up to the sound of gun fire and sirens blaring as usual, Its nothing new to me being in the city you get used to the sites and sounds of things rather quickly. Pulling my blanket of myself I put it away in my ripped and torn old backpack and zipped it up, once my backpack was secured to my back I went off in search of this mornings breakfast.

"Hey kid what cha got there in your backpack?" I heard a gruff voice say behind me.

Turning around I came face to face with several men of different sizes and ages but one thing stayed the same with all of them, the blood red cuts of cloth tied around their necks, legs, arms and around their heads. Great just what I needed, members of the blood brotherhood gang to make my already horrible morning worse.

"Nothing" I said as I backed up away from them.

The Blood Brotherhood gang was notorious for their violence and no way did I want to get mixed up with them.

"Well why don't you just hand it over so we can see little girl" A rather short blond hair man spoke up as he took a step towards me.

"No" I said sternly as I continued to slowly back up.

The only thing I had in my bag that would be deemed of some value would be an old leather book that an old lady had given me a year ago, It was written in a language I couldn't understand or read but I still kept it with me always and I wasn't about to let the likes of them take it from me.

"GRAB HER!" The blond man yelled.

Then the other six men bolted right at me with weapons at the ready, turning around I ran down analley way as fast as my short legs could carry me.

I cried out in pain as I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my left leg, looking down at my leg there was a knife stuck a good two inches in. Fighting the pain I continued to run until I reached a dead end made by more members of the Blood Brotherhood gang.

Skidding to a stop I tripped and fell flat on my face and my book came flying out of my backpack skidding across the ground and came to a stop right in front of one of the gang members. As he bent to pick it up I stretched out my hand and willed the book to come back to me, the book flew off the ground and right into my open hand.

Holding the tightly to my chest I got up off the ground and stood up with my head held high, if they wanted this book they would have to pry it from my cold dead hands first.

That's when the bombs started to fall, explosions could be heard and seen everywhere. People were running for their lives while others just stood there in shock, I just stood there looking up at the sky watching the planes fly by dropping their cargo and listened to the loud whistles they made as they fell to the earth.

Is this the end? am I to die at the age of five? I thought to myself.

Looking around me the gang members were long gone, looking back to the sky my eyes met a bomb coming straight for me. My mind went into over drive and I opened my book, the book was like it had a will of its own as the pages turned them selves until they came to a stop. Looking at the page I couldnt understand what it was but my mind was yelling at me to read the page and quickly.

"Invoco superiores vires take mihi a me in hoc saeculo et proxime in mundo ubi sunt i, i in mundo ubi crescent et vade prospere, et statuit me libera me de hoc mundo, hoc volo ut fiat semper est!"


AN(just to let you readers know this is Latin at its English translation is-I call upon the higher powers, take me from this world and bring me to the next, a world where i belong, a world where i will grow and prosper, take me from this world and set me free, this is my will so mote it be!)


I fell to the ground exhausted then everything went black....


I know I know it was another short chapter but the next one will be longer!

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Next chapter sneak peak!

Lux wakes in the Naruto world but you will never guess who she finds when she wakes up.

Out of One World and Into the Next (Naruto FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now