Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

I sat up quit excited but had to stop a minute, my head just, kinda had a black out.
I need to stop drinking. I reached over to grab some ketchup to squirt it to the side for my fries and chicken. I picked up a tender and took a bite. This is heavenly. I took another bite, then another, and then another. My mouth got dry so I needed to drink. I looked up to see the waiter actually brought me some pink lemonade. All I can say is thanks, because I didn't want to drink anymore. I was even more thankful because it looked really pretty. It was pink with a hint of red and had small lemon pieces floating around with a lemon on the side. Wow, why don't they do this to lemonades at other bars.

I grabbed a straw and sucked the delicious lemonade down my throat. This is better then Chich-fa-la lemonade. My mouth took fulp a
after gulp, I couldn't stop drinking it. Eventually I forced myself to stop so I could have some later when my mouth was dry.

"Would you like a refill ma'am." The waiter asked.

"Yes please."

"Kamryn you need to stop."

"No Niall you should try it, its really good." I smile, a bit dizzy, but that probably just from the three beers I drank. Two of the lemonades might sober me up.

I finished my chicken tenders in the time the waiter was getting my pink lemonade.

"Here you go ma'am. Would you like some water with that?"

"Oh no thank yo-"

"Yes please. Bring three." he looks down at me. "She'll need em'."

Why would I need water?

"Niall why did you do that? I don't need water i'm perfectly fine! But dang you should really try these lemonades! They're amazing lets come here more often. You know what I'll learn how to make these. Just let me take a picture of it. All I have to do is put some lemons down in some pink lemonade. Yeah that'll be good. Let me get my phone out."

"Kamryn you're drunk."

"No I'm not. Why would you think that. You're just silly. Silly business." I laugh but he puts his hand over my mouth.


I liked his mouth- I mean hand. I liked his hand.
But I'd like to like his mouth.

"Yes you're drunk, you talk a lot when you drink." he rolls his eyes. "Samantha can you take her to the bathroom see if she's going to throw up."

"Yeah sure."

"I'd rather her throw up here then get car sick."

"Don't worry I got her."

Niall grabbed my hip and helped me get out of the booth and the girl, apparently named Samantha, grabbed my hand in her rite hand and put her left arm around my back leading me away from the booth. I had no idea where we were going, the bathroom maybe? Niall was talking about the bathroom so that's my best guess.

When we made it to the roombath Samantha walked me to a stall.

"I don't have to pee, i'm good. Thanks for the offer though. Such a nice girl and I thought you were judgmental and mean. I'm sorry I really shouldn't have thought that. I was actually quit scared. Nice hair. You're really pretty. Do you agree?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Thank you doll, but do you fill like you need to throw up?"

"Throw what? Are we going to play a game. I love games. But not in a toilet stall. Well whatever people like what they like. Oh right, you asked me a question, no I don't want to play catch right now." I clap my hands together.

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