daughter of hell 55

Start from the beginning

'Stop being such a seth.'

'You are annoying the seth out of me!'

'Your such a seth! - Oh no you did not just call me that!'

Yeah, it was a keeper.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Another big, steroid vamp dude in a fancy army costume called out.

"Demorion, I am escorting one of the girls." He leaned in closer to the guard.

"She's too clumsy for the likes of the prince." He whispered, but I still heard.

The guard smirked, his fangs peeking out from the corners of his mouth.

"So the prince is back on his feet. It is good to hear he has recovered from the attack." He smiled.

Oh, he's feeling better alright. I never should have given the bastard my blood. I rubbed absently over my chest, I had this inexplicable ache near my heart. I blamed it on my surroundings, this place gave me the creeps. I could sense every last one of these bloodsuckers and there were many.

"When will they be burning the succubus?"

It was sick how many times I got confused with a succubus. It wasn't like I called every vampire I met a leech.... crap. And burning? Come on, we're demons, we love fire, we do not burn well.

"The prince is making plans as we speak." Demorion answered.

What plans? I suppressed a snort. Plans to how he will choke a smurf to see what colour he'd turn? Or maybe plans as in how he could introduce the word 'walk' for when a fly got his wings severed by a very sadistic kid. Was I a sadist for imagining my mother getting her wings ripped of by a very sadistic kid who had mistaken her for a bluebottle? Probably.

Did I feel bad about it? Not really.

"I hope they do it when I don't have a shift, I've never seen a demon burn."

Maybe because my kind doesn't burn? Honest to Hell, how small were vampire brains? I saw the wheel spinning, but the hamster looked pretty dead.

"Who's hiding behind the hoody?"

Ah crap, the hamster had some last death spasms after all.

"Just some commoner's kid who will be attending the school. One of the queen's little charity project like the little redhead, what's his name again, that befriended the prince.

The guards features hardened, his blue eyes icing over.

"Dustin, the boy's name is Dustin and my son is not a charity case."

"Way to go, Demorion." I muttered.

Then the guards words sunk in. This oversized, I-eat-steroids-like-scoobydo-eats-his-scoobysnacks vampire was Dustins dad? Holy shit. How the heck did this guy reproduced himself with as the end result perky, carrothaired Dustin?

"Wow, he must take after his mom a lot." I said in awe.

"If it weren't for those big blue eyes, I'd say there was no way you were his biological father."

"You know my son?"

It seemed like I had distracted the mean looking guard from killing Demorion.

"Yeah, we go to school together. No offense but the boy is like a manly cheerleader when it comes to his temperament. Not the bitchy stuff of course, I mean the happy go lucky attitude."

"But he's cool, that is if you don't take his conservative values in account. Then again, they all got that problem, so I suppose I can't really blame him for that."

"Well, I met his mother, Claire, in 1212, you know when the so called children crusades started. So Claire is a women of her time and"

"Ho, ho, ho. You're telling me you took a girl from one of those idiotic crusades as your mate? That's sick."

"I am not a paedophile. The children crusades are an ill chosen name. It weren't really children that went to fight the Saracens. The sources about the crusades mentioned the Latin word 'pueri' wich for the Romans meant a child from seven to fourteen, but in the Dark Ages it could be up till your twentyeight. It were mostly the poor that saw the crusades as a change for a better life. But that's not my point!"

"She's an annoying little thing, isn't she." Demorion chimed in.

"And you called his son a charity case." I snapped back.

"Yes, he did." Dustin's dad took a threatening step towards Demorion.

"You were trying to convince us you aren't a paedophile." I quickly distracted him again.

"I only mentioned the crusade to give you an idea from what time Claire's from and how it might have influenced our son in his upbringing!" He yelled, getting all worked up.

"Then why didn't you say the thirteenth century, we understand the concept of the Dark Ages!"

Again, I saw the wheel spinning, but the hamster looked dead.

"Why is it that" The junk started.

Oh, no I had forgotten about the high vampire. Please don't start talking about choking smurfs, please.

"in the United Sates,"

Please start about boring politcs, state your opinion about Obama, tell me he secretly is a vampire too, who's trying to stage a coup and is making plans to overthrow the vampire monarchy. Say something like that, but do not ask anything about smurfs or flinstones or whatever there was that sounded more stupid than Obama being a vampire.

"if you take of all your clothes"

Oh, look at that: my hope just died, crushed by the words 'take off your clothes'. Let's take a minute of silence for the parting of hope. Goodbye hope, you were a cherised companion for the last sixteen years, I will miss you and probably join you in a little while.

"and start running down the street waving a gun, terrified citizens will phone the police and say: 'There's a naked man on the street!' That's kind of stupid, isn't it?"

We were dead.

Or at least I was dead since I was the so called succubus who had toasted the prince. Damn, this sucked! I had always thought that if I would get executed, it would at least be for something I really had done, not a failed murder attempt. I hadn't even been trying to kill him! Well, there had been a couple of times that I had tried to kill him, but they didn't know that.

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