Chapter 50: Bundle of Joys

Start from the beginning

As I waited for him to come I tried to calm myself down with J's help which wasn't much help at all considering he was still kinda in shock.

Eventually River showed up and walked through the room door. He had on a blue polo tucked into khaki pants which told me that he had just came from the university.

When he saw me laying on the little bed/stand and spotted the ultrasound monitor his jaw dropped.

"You came to get your first ultrasound without me?" He asked a bit upset.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I just... I dunno. I didn't think you'd wanna come."

"Why wouldn't I wanna come? If you had told me, I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

I could hear the hurt in his voice and it made me feel bad.

"Lets just forget this happened." He suggested. "So what are we having? A girl? A boy?"

I gulped and glanced over at Jordan. He nodded his head at me reassuringly and I nodded back.

"Both." I answered.

Though when I said it he looked a little confused.

"We're having a hermaphrodite?" He asked in all seriousness.

J and I giggled at his question and the face he was making when he asked it.

"No.... twins...." I hesitatingly stated.

He stopped breathing and turned as white as a ghost.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"Mhm." I uneasily replied.

He stared for a few more seconds then quickly ran to the bathroom. Seconds after he went in I heard him throw up.

My hands shot over my mouth in disbelief. I didn't think he'd react that badly.

Jordan stood up and walked over to me to comfort me. I wasn't crying though. I was too shocked to cry. I just laid there, completely at a lost for words.

Nearly five minutes later River walked out of the bathroom. I didn't look at him though. A part of me was sad while the other was pissed off that he did that. He walked over and tried grabbing my hand but I subconsciously pulled it away.

"Cassidy don't do this again. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react that way." He said as he sat down beside me.

"You literally threw up.... You don't want twins."

"No, I didn't want twins but now I don't have a choice."

"What do you mean?" I was now staring him in the eyes, which wasnt a smart idea since I get dazed and confused everytime I do.

"Cass I love you." He laughed. "I really do. And I don't care if you- we're having twins, triplets, or octuplets, I'm sticking around."

I smiled. A huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Then why'd you throw up?"

"Because... I just wasn't expecting that." He stated.

"Well- looks like you're gonna have a daughter anyway." I said.

"Definitely not prepared for that." He chuckled.

He caressed my face with his hand and stared into my eyes.

"I hope she looks like you." He softly said.

"I hope our son has your eyes." I responded. "And your smile.... and your hair... and your laugh...and your sense of humor... and just- everything."

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