Chapter 121

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Alice Garcia was my doctor. I remember her since I was young. It was also my mom's doctor and that's why I didn't want to visit her. But Ellen insisted and besides I have to be sure of my pregnacy although I had the terrible feeling that it was true. I hoped that everything was a mistake cause I really didn't want a child but I also didn't want to do an abortion. I told Gareth yesterday that I wasn't coming to their match because I had something important to do. I just didn't tell him what. Although I should tell him. I promise to be at his house when the match ends but now I have regret it.
Alice was really busy when Ellen and I arrived there. She was exactly how I remembered her. Her brown hair in  a bun and her dark black eyes always tired but when she saw me she smiled politely.
- Nice to see you again Jane.
She said and I just smiled. I was so anxious that I couldn't do anything else.
My knees were shaking as I walked into her office leaving Ellen outside alone.
I had never done such thing in my life before. Alice explained to me a lot of things that I didn't understand and she started examining me.
When she finished she looked at this -well maschine I guess- , smiled and announced that I was pregnat.
- Congratulations Jane.
She said smiling but when she saw the terrifying look on my face she understood that I wasn't as happy as she was.
- Thanks for your time mrs. Garcia.
I said walking outside her office where I found Ellen sitting in a chair.
- So ?
She asked.
- I'm....can we leave this place ?
I asked turning to leave.
Ellen followed me and we soon were outside this hospital.
- Jane, wait. What did the doctor tell you ?
She asked and I avoided to look at her. Worst timing ever.
- I'm pregnat.
I said dissappointed but Ellen screamed because of happiness.
- That's great. You should tell Gareth.
She said hugging me.
- Ellen....I don't know. Should I keep this child ?
Ellen looked at me as if I was crazy.
- You're considering an abortion ?
She asked her grey eyes on mine.
- It's not the right time for a child.
I said as I considered the interviews I had arranged in order to find a job.
- But's just a child. You can't kill your own child.
She said making me feel worse than ever.
- You're right. I should tell Gareth.
I said and I started feeling dizzy. What's Gareth going to think ?
We had a relationship less than a year. That will shock him.
- Don't worry Jane.
Ellen said and I looked at her.
- What do you mean ?
- Gareth will be happy with that.
She reassured me as if she was able to read my mind.

I remembered the last time I was in Gareth's house all alone waiting for him. Bad memories. It was when I waited for him to come back from England. I think he was late. The match should have finished by now. But where was he ? I didn't even know if they won or lose. Although I really didn't care much for this right now.
I started examining Gareth's house. It was big.
A child could be happy here.
I thought smiling but then I thought it again.
Maybe Gareth doesn't want the child. Maybe he will ask me to broke up with him. And if that's what he wants I should accept it.
An hour later I was still waiting. Where on earth was he ?
My phone rang and I picked it up fastly thinking that Gareth was on the phone. But it was Ellen.
- Jane hi....
She said and from her tone of voice I understood that something was wrong.
- Ellen what happened ?
- Isco called....and nevermind. Haven't you seen any TV lately ?
- Not actually.
I said while turning the TV on.
- Jane....
Ellen said but she stopped. I didn't have to search a lot to understand.
Sophie Macalider -the reporter that once interviewed me- and she's also a friend of Mia's was on the news tonight. She actually reminded me of Mia a lot. Now she was saying that this evening after Real Madrid's victory against Seville a bus crashed on the clubs bus and that the players were seriously injured.
She was filming the place where the accident happened but after a while she said other news making her black long hair and looking at the camera with her big blue eyes as if she was hypnotizing us.
- Jane are you there ?
Ellen's voice on the phone scared me.
- This is a joke right ?
I asked still not able to believe it. Sophie said that the players were bad injured.....Gareth....
- I know in which hospital they are. I'll pick you up immediately.

I never was a lucky girl. I'm still not a lucky girl. And I don't think I'll ever be a lucky girl.
But as I head to the hospital with Ellen I beg that someone would say that everything's fine and that Gareth is not in danger. That he's not even injured. That this was a joke and everything's more than fine. But none does it.
Sara is there trying to learn something about James but a lady there tells her that he's still in danger and that he can't see him. I think that Ellen is happy now knowing that Isco is far away in England and not hit by a bus.
I try to spell Gareth's name and a lady tells us where to head. But I don't see Gareth.
- We have to wait Jane. Relax.
Ellen says but I feel her hand shaking.
- What if he's hurt ?
I ask while tears run down my face.
- He won't be. Trust me.
Ellen says but it's obvious she's lying.
- The crash was.....why ? Why them ?
- Jane, stop everything will be fine.
So I shut up. And we wait. And wait. Until a doctor comes outside the surgery.
I want to ask her if she knows anything about Gareth but Ellen stops me.
- I'll go.
She says and approaches the doctor. I see the doctor smiling at first but when Ellen mentions Gareth's name she turns pale and looks down.
The doctor says something to Ellen and they both look at me worried.
What the.....
Ellen thanks her and comes to me again.
- What did she tell you ?
I ask her while I hope that everythings fine.
- We need to wait Jane. Gareth just came out of surgery.
She explained and I paled. is worst than I expected.
- What does this mean ?
I asked her.
- It means that you should be patient Jane.
She looks at my expression.
- For Gareth Jane. Be patient for Gareth.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now