Chapter 64

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- Hi girls!
I said as I approached Ellen and Sara in the cafe.
- Hi Jane.
They both said with one voice smiling.
They begun talking about what present should Sara buy to James since he had his birthday in less than a week. I tried to focus on their conversation but my life was involved with a lot of drama lately.
- What do you think I should buy him Jane ?
I looked at both of them....
- I don't know Sara something that he likes.
I replied knowing that my answer was completely stupid and also knowing that I had betrayed myself since I wasn't paying attention.
- Nice try Jane. I know that something's up.
Ellen whispered in my ear.
I must have turned into pale but I couldn't do much.
- So any news Jane ?
Ellen asked.
- How's work ?
She continued.
Fuck..... was she really able to read my mind ?
- Mmm fine actually I got fired yesterday.
They both looked at me in shock.
- Wtf Jane what have you done ?
Ellen was almost yelling at me.
- Nothing. This is the problem. You know how lazy I can get.
I replied knowing that they were both thinking that I was crazy.
- Omg Jane it's not that I want to scold you or something but you have to take these things more seriously.
Sara said not paying much attention. But Ellen was looking at me and I think she was worried. Here we go again.....
- Okay nobody cares about that uhm Sara let me see the options for Jame's present.
I said trying to distract them a little.
- Sure.
Sara said sounded excited but I knew that Ellen was staring at me still worried.
- I'm looking for Jane. Jane Smith.
Have I just heard my name ?
- They told me that she will most probably be here.
I turned to face the one speaking. And I couldn't believe it! Chloe was there!
Ellen looked at me with her eyes asking me what the hell was going on here.
- Chloe....
I said and Chloe finally looked at me.
- Jane.
She said and hugged me.
- Chloe these are my friends Ellen and Sara...
- Nice to meet you.
She said smiling.
- What are you doing here ?
I asked.
And how the hell you knew where was I ?
- I needed to talk to you.
She said looking both at Ellen and Sara.
- You can talk to me.
I replied.
- In private.
She said.
- Oh. I'm sorry girls I'll come in a minute.
Ellen and Sara were still looking at me as if I was crazy.
We walked away enough so that nobody would be able to hear.
- What is it ?
I asked impatiently.
- Well firstly I wanted to say good bye to you.
- Yeah I wanted that to. I'm sorry that I left like this yesterday.
- No I mean I'm really happy that I had the prevelenge of meeting you.... You're an awesome girl.
She said looking at me.
- I don't understand....
- I'm leaving Jane... I'm going to Germany to meet my parents.
- Are your parents in Germany ?
I asked not able to understand why she was saying these things to me.
- Yes, and I want to thank you since I couldn't go earlier because Brandon didn't let me. He thought that I was going to say everything about the drugs.... He was threatening me. I'm glad you came and this whole thing end.
- I don't think it would have end this way if it wasn't for you.
I said thinking what Brandon tried to do to me yesterday.
- Whatever.... I just wanted to thank you.
She said hugging me.
- I have to go.
She said but then she turned again.
- Oh my God I forgot what I really came for.
She said and from her bag, put out the money Brandon gave me yesterday and gave them to me.
- They are yours.
- Thanks.
I said smiling while tears were bursting out my eyes.
- I'll be happy knowing that you'll be happy to see your boyfriend.
She said smiling politely.
- Thanks a million Chloe. Someone else wouldn't have done this.
I said because this was simply the truth. She could have keeped them for herself but no she prefered to give them to me. It was so sweet.
I hugged her once more. Think only that we were not that close!
- Hey you owe me.
She said laughing.
- Sure.... I'll do whatever you want. Let's call it a favor. Ask me and I'll do it.
She was thinking but I think she already knew what she wanted to say.... it was like she had rehearsed this speech before she came here and talk to me.
- Well I don't really want nothing.
She said laughing but I'm sure she wanted to say something sassy. I could see that in her eyes.
- Well I'm leaving.
She said and turned to leave. I did so and from a distance she screamed at me.
- Hey Jane. I change my mind I do want something.
- Sure what is it ?
I screamed so she could hear me.
- Now you're going in France to see your boyfriend please take an autograph for my favorite footballer. You'll have the chance because of the Euro.
- Will do. What's his name ?
- Gareth Bale.
She said winking at me and then started running.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now