Chapter 103

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I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't. I should tell Gareth about Mia. Then he could tell that to Aaron. But no. I couldn't. Their relationship was none of my bussiness. I didn't know what to do. I know that I shouldn't keep secrets from Gareth but that's what I keep doing. I know that I should tell him about what Sergio told me. And I should think about what Sergio told me myself. It shocked me although the truth is deep down I knew it. Firstly because Ellen had tried to convince me so and secondly because I could feel Sergio's behavior changing as far as I was concerned.
I should relax. I needed some water. I opened my bedroom's door and I walked the stairs. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I made my way to the kitchen. I turned on the light and I saw Victoria sitting in a chair.
- Victoria! You scared me.
- You scared me too Jane. What are you doing here ?
She asked.
- I was thirsty.
I replied.
- Yes, sure.
She said smiling.
- What are you doing here ? Why aren't you sleeping ?
I asked her while I put some water in a glass.
- I can't.
- Why what's wrong ?
It was obvious that something was wrong. I understood that since she hadn't spoken at all during the day.
- I just have a lot of stuff to think and....
- Victoria...
I said looking at her.
- I'm fine Jane.
She said but I saw tears ready to come down her face.
- Why don't you tell me what's wrong ? Maybe I could help.
I was pretty sure that something with Aaron had happened. She was like that since the last days that we spend together and more specifically since last night when they left earlier from the club for some reason.
Victoria looked at me.
- I'm so embarrassed to tell you and's really stupid.
She said avoiding to look at me.
- I promise I won't judge you.
I said.
- Fine...yesterday I talked to Aaron about....
- About ?
- About how I feel about him. It's not that I'm in love with him or something no way. It is just that I find him attractive and I thought that he thought this way about me too.....
But he has a girlfriend.
I wanted to say but I stopped myself.
He had a girlfriend and he will find that out soon.
- And what happened ?
I asked being curious.
- He turned me down. That's what happened. And it's not the first time someone turns me down.
She said and now I clearly saw tears coming down her face.
- I'm so sorry for that Victoria.
I said hugging her. Then I heard a sound. I think they were footsteps. Victoria must have not heard it cause she was really busy crying. I looked with the edge of my eye in the kitchen door and I saw Gareth. I think he was trying to eardrop cause he was just waiting.
That was my chance to tell him what I couldn't tell him face to face.
- Enough with me.
Victoria said as she hadn't notice Gareth. I had noticed him but he didn't know that. It was time to justify myself.
- Victoria....
I said but she interrupted me.
- What happened with Gareth and you ? You barely talked today.
Victoria noticed. That was my chance to make Gareth listen what I had to say without him knowing that I knew he was here.
-'s not important...
I said looking at the door with the edge of my eye.
- Tell me...I have told you.
Victoria insisted and I pretended to give up.
- Promise me you won't tell anyone.
I said.
- I won't.
She reassured me.
- Cause it has to do with Aaron as well.
- What happened ?
Victoria asked being curious now.
- Well, Sergio called me this evening to tell me that Mia -Aaron's girlfriend- has left him.
I explained.
- Omg!
Victoria screamed.
- Yes, it's sad.
I said.
- Yeah, but why are you and Gareth distant ?
She asked.
That was it. My chance. Showtime Jane.
- I think he listened to me talking with Sergio on the phone but because of him not knowing what we discussed -and I promised Sergio not to tell anyone- he thinks maybe that Sergio told me something else and I think he's mad.
I explained making sure that Gareth has listened.
- That's so sad. But what's Gareth's problem with Sergio ?
Victoria asked.
- Well, Sergio is my ex but Gareth thinks I still have feelings for Sergio which doesn't even make sense cause I love your brother Victoria. And I mean it. I haven't loved anyone in my life before. Gareth can't just get it.
I explained.
Well done Jane.
I thought to myself.
- Gareth can be really jealous sometimes. But don't worry Jane. I know my brother. He knows that you love him.
- I hope he does. I'm always afraid that I might loose him. When he asks me what's wrong I only want to scream.....I'm afraid Gareth...afraid like I'm gonna lose you.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now