Chapter 67

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His hands are all over me. We are laying in my bed. He breaths softly and I feel warm inside his hug.
He softly kisses my forehead and when I look at him I no longer see Gareth's pretty face but Sergio looking at me.
- I'm so proud of you. You are now mine.
And then I wake up.
I try to catch my breath. That was kind of a nightmare. Maybe my previous conversation with Sergio has influenced me a lot more than it should. I check my phone. It's nine at night. I guess Sergio's proposal for the club tonight hasn't been cancelled. I wasn't really eager to go especially after that dream. I mean nightmare. It definitely was a nightmare. Maybe I should call Gareth in Skype....
- Hey beautiful.
He said smiling.
- Hi baby. How are you ?
- Fine. More than fine actually I'm excited we really did a great job in this Euro.
- That's true.
I said because Wales was the only team I paid attention at. Okay it was also the only team I watched playing..... because I wanted to see Gareth. I mean I don't give a damn about football.
- What's your plans for tonight ?
He asked sounded curious.
- I'll stay inside.... although S...Ellen ask me to go to a club with him. With her I mean.
- You should go then.
He said not noticing I think how I really felt weird. I don't even know why I felt this way. Sergio didn't say nothing inappropriate. He just asked me to go with him.... and besides we won't be alone Bessy will also be there.
- I don't know I don't really want to.
- Fine then. I've got to hang up.
- Oh okay.
I said but I got really disappointed. We haven't even talked!
- I wish you were here Jane.
- Yes, me too.
I said smirking.
- What ?
He asked.
- Nothing.
I said with a not so innocent look.
- What are you up to ?
- Nothing. I just changed my mind I'll go to that club.
- Oh.
He said sounded dissappointed.
- Bye then.
He said not really sure.
- Bye.

- I'm going out.
I screamed to my parents as I was crossing the living room.
- With who ?
My mom asked being really worried since the whole thing at the cafe.
- Ellen and..... actually on my own.
- Be careful.
She said.
- Will do. Don't you worry all the time.
I said closing the front door.

Well Sergio didn't tell me what time would they meet in that club but I guessed that they would already be there since it was... almost twelve.
I went inside the club. It was full of people and full of smoke and I took a mental note not to drink since I haven't ate anything the last couple of hours. I searched for anyone that I knew. Then someone grabbed my arm.
- You came.
Sergio said shouting so that I could be able to hear him.
- As you can see yes.
- You look gorgeous.
He said his eyes checking me out. Yes that was what I needed a Sergio acting like a playboy.
- Where's Bessy ?
I asked in order to remind him that he had a girlfriend.
- Sitting there with the others.
I spotted Bessy, Sara, Ellen, Isco,James and some other guys from university. Since when are all these hanging out together ?
Adele and Akon were dancing.
At least they were clever enough and they didn't join the others.
- Come.
Sergio said grabbing my hand. I didn't really had other choice. Or I could sit there alone which was worse than that.
Ellen looked at me first but she didn't say anything.
- Thanks God you're fine!
Sara said hugging me.
Was she stupid or something ?
My nerves were starting to take the best of me.
- Why shouldn't I be fine ?
I asked in order to control myself and not punch her.
- I don't know whith all these things going on in your life recently. I couldn't imagine you be involved with drugs.
She said and I looked away. Who has mentioned the drugs right now ?
I rolled my eyes. Was always that annoying ?
She finally went to dance with James giving me some space. Although I promised myself not to drink I couldn't help it.
- Any news from Gareth ?
Bessy asked smiling with a perfect smile. But she wasn't faking it. She was kind.
- He's excited with how things have came.
- Well he should be. What a surprise that they made it so far!
She said still smiling.
- Yes, I can't believe it either.
I said because it was the truth. It's not that they had a very good team.

- I have to leave guys see you.
I said waving at them.
- I can drive you home.
Sergio said but I looked at Bessy understanding that it wasn't really a good idea.
- No thanks. I'll walk.
- I'll drive you.
Ellen said and I looked at her in surprise. She hasn't spoken to me all this time. What was it that she wanted ?

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now