Chapter 35

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I was in a hurry. I wanted to greet Gareth and Ellen as soon as possible. They were in the same flight. I was the first one to go at the cafe. After a few moments they both came with all the Real Madrid club and all the cheerleaders club. I felt a little bit lonely. Like nobody was paying attention to me. But Gareth noticed me pretty fast and came towards me kissing me gently in my lips.
- Hi.
He said looking into my eyes.
- Hi.
I responded smiling at him. He was happy. Of course he was this was his biggest opportunity.
- So is everything alright ?
I asked him not knowing what else I should ask him and feeling awkward because all of his teammates were staring at us.
- I'll miss you as soon as I go to the airport.
Gareth whispered in my ear wanting to make sure that none of them could hear us. I blushed but it was exactly the same with me. I couldn't stand a lot of time without him.
- Come on Gareth we should go.
Karim said although Cristiano was busy flirting with some girls while Isco and James were making out with Ellen and Sara. Next to Karim was Sergio. He was staring at us. I think he was the one telling Karim to do so. He could be so immature sometimes.
- Sure coming.
Gareth said, placed his hands on my face and kissed me a lot more passionate than our previous kiss.
- We'll spend the whole day and whole night together after us beating Atletico.
He wispered and kissed me one more time.
The whole day and whole night.... that will be fun....
As they left Gareth winked at me and send me a kiss. I did the same. Now I have to be patient till Saturday....
- Aren't you going to say goodbye to your best friend ?
Ellen said and hugged.
- Oh Ellen I'll miss you so much.
- Me too. I'll miss you.
She said and hugged me again.
- Okay I have only ten minutes before we go back to our houses, pack and go to the airport.
- Uhm okay so are you nervous about this event ?
- Are you kidding ? It's the most important after us dancing to the World Cup. Everyone will watch. I'm so terribly anxious.
- You are going to kill it. You are the best.
I said wanting to cheer her up.
- Thanks Jane.
She said with a warm smile.
- I can't wait.
I said.
- You ? Can't wait ? Do you know what football is ? It is played with a ball eleven players kick a ball.....
Ellen said and I laughed. I had no idea about football. I had no idea about sport in generall Ellen was a master at all these things.
- Yes Ellen I know..... I'm suddenly intersted about football...
- And about football players....
Ellen added.
- A football player you mean...
I corrected her sentence.
- No I mean about football players. Gareth is your second football lover.
- No he's the..... oh you mean....
I said as I realized she was talking about Sergio.
- He's staring at you.
Ellen said. So I wasn't the only one that I had realized that.
- He still likes you.
Ellen said.
- What are you talking about ?
He has a girlfriend. She will be at the final cheering up for him..
- Bessy won't come.
Ellen said and the truth is I felt relieved.
- What ?
I said not able to believe what I just heard.
- Yeah I think they had a fight.
She added.
- How do you know that ?
I asked wanting to learn more about the topic.
- Have you seen her here ?
Ellen asked.
- This doesn't mean that they had fought Ellen.
I said and looked at the ceiling.
- Well who cares ?
She asked and smiled.
- I should go. Bye.
- Bye Ellen have a nice flight.
I said and hugged her.
- Thanks you too.
She said and left immediately leaving me alone or that's what I thought.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now