Chapter 21

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We reached our destination after almost an hour. Well I really hoped this club was good because it was far away from our houses. The truth is it was very beautifully decorated and it was also one of the best clubs in town. I have never heard of it before but Ellen and Akon had their special first date here. We went inside. I was paralyzed by how many people this club had. It was almost full. This club had two dance floors. It was quite big.

The gyus on the nearest table treated us and we accepted them laughing out loud. It was like the old good days before Akon happen to our lives. When in this relationship was just me and Ellen. I really missed those days. When I dated Sergio we had double dates at least once a week and we really had fun. Sergio had fun it was his greatest asset I think.
- Let's not drink too much.
I said yelling so she could hear me.
- Yeah, because we have a long drive home. Okay let's dance.
She proposed and grabbed my hand.
We headed to the one of the two dance floors the less crowdest and became one with the crowd. We danced and laughed and had a great time. I wasn't that bad at dancing. Of course Ellen was better but we both moved our bodies with style and some of the boys seem to stare at us.
Well we were both taken so they could find other girls.
You are not taken stupid... Ellen is .... you just like someone that doesn't like you back.
The voice in my head said.

We danced until our legs hurt. We decided to rest for a while.
- I'm going to the bathroom.
I said to Ellen and she noded. I headed towards the bathroom. It was full. I waited patiently checking my phone. I wanted to call Gareth and tell him that I have fun but I would really prefer him being with me right now. He was so good with me. What I did to deserve an angel like him? Finally my turn came. I looked myself to the mirror. Well I wasn't that ugly. I just didn't have something special. I think sometimes I'm too harsh on myself and I really don't deserve that. Besides it seems like Gareth ... likes me. Well I couldn't be sure. But why not ? He is not in a relationship right now. He could like any girl. Why not me ? I was happy that I gained my confidence. I decided to call him tomorrow and ask him on a date. I went back to Ellen. She looked upset. She was staring at someone at the other dance floor of the club ready to cry.
- Ellen what's ....?
But before I could finish my sentence I spotted what she was staring at. Akon was dancing and laughing and kissing Adele. It seemed like they had a great time.
- Ellen.... we .. we can leave if you want. Ellen...
But she headed towards them. I saw her slapping Akon and then crying. Akon tried to make her listen but she punched him one more time and then left. Then Akon saw me. He looked really mad. Oh no. He must have thought that this was my fault. He came towards me. He grabbed my hand and started yelling at me.
- You did it on purpose. You brought her here because you knew that we would be here right ?
Answer me Jane right ?
I felt dizzy the way he was shaking me. I think he tried to slap me but the guys that were staring at us while dancing stopped him and I found a chance to live. Akon yelled something like slut while I was leaving. I went outside the club trying to find Ellen. But she was nowhere to be found. I called her cell phone but it was off. I panicked where was she ? Had she taken the car with her ? It was about one o'clock after midnight and I was alone in a place I didn't know at all. What could I ? I couldn't even leave from here. I started crying. I couldn't call my parents they would be worried. But I couldn't call anybody. Akon was still in the club and I was adraid. I should do something... I should call someone but who ?
Then it came to me Gareth.
No way he would not answer and if he does what am I going to tell him ? I didn't even knew where I was. I didn't have any other option. I called him. His phone was calling a lot of time... I was about to give up when he answered.
- Jane ?
I could hear he was worried.
- Gareth ...I ...I
I started crying feeling stupid that I called him.
- Jane what the hell happened ? Jane ?
He yelled.
- Please Jane stop crying and tell me what happened. Where are you ?
He yelled.
I tried to calm a little bit and tried to explain where was I.
- Okay I understood. I'll come and pick you up. Don't move.

I did as he said hoping Akon wouldn't just come from the club. I tried to call Ellen again but she didn't respond. Damn it Ellen I just wanted to learn if you're okay. It had started to rain and I got wet. After almost an hour I saw Gareth's car coming. He opened the door for me and I sat inside the car. He hugged me tightly.
- Are you cold ?
- No uhm Gareth I want us to search for Ellen I'll explain what happened later.
We searched and asked a lot of people but none of them have ever shown her. I called her one last time but she didn't respond. We gave up and decided to go to her house to see if she was there.
- What happened Jane ?
Gareth asked softly.
I explained to him what happened but I don't think he paid much attention to this.
- I am so worried about Ellen. I hope she's fine.
- She is I'm sure about it.
He said and touched my hand. I looked at him blushing but because he was driving he didn't look at me. We reached Ellen's house. I rang the doorbell and Ellen's mom opened the door. We both came inside.
- What happened ?
She asked being nervous.
- I don't know where's Ellen.
I explained.
- Why aren't you two together ?
She asked me and then looked at Gareth. Suddenly the door opened and Ellen came inside. She was wet and her mascara was all over her face.
- Ellen.
I said and hugged her. She didn't hugged me back.
- Ellen where have you been ?
Asked her mother worried.
- I'm fine.
She looked angrily at me and she headed towards her bedroom. I followed her. I closed the door behind us ready to explain why I haven't told her about Akon and Adele. It was obvious that she knew but from where ? It isn't possible that Akon told her that.
- Ellen I learned about them yesterday. I swear. Okay no I saw them making out at Akon's party and yesterday I learned that ......
- Okay okay hold on. Did you know about them ?
- Uhm isn't that why you are mad at me ?
- Well now yes but before that I just was because you worried my parents.
She yelled at me. Omg it was this moment I knew I had fucked the whole thing up.
- Ellen I...
- No I can't believe I call you my bestie.
She said and cried.
- Why didn't you tell me ? Why do I even talk to you Jane ?
You are the worst friend ever.
- Me ? Come on Ellen I didn't tell you because I knew you would have felt worse.
- Worse ? Worse than what ? Than I already feel ? I'm so mad at you Jane.
- Well you know what Ellen .
I said being super mad.
- I'm mad at you as well. You left me twice. Once today and once at Sergio's party where you didn't even call to see if I'm alright. And you're mad at me because I did what ? Tried to protect you ? From Akon ? You're right Ellen I'm the worst friend ever.
I said heading out of her room with my eyes being wet.
- What happened between you two ?
Ellen's mom asked.
- Nothing we need to .... to go.
I said. Gareth followed me. I said good night to Ellen's mom and we headed towards Gareth's car.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now