Chapter 51

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The first one for the penalties was Lucas Vaqzuez. He made it to the penalties although he seemed really nervous. Well who wasn't ? Up next was Antoine Griezmann for Atletico Madrid. He manage to score as well. Then it was Marcello's turn. Fortunately he scored. Unfortunately for us the next Atletico's player scored as well. Well things were.... bad. Up next was Gareth. He was injured. He may won't score. I didn't want that. I didn't want him to be the reason why Real lost the trophy. But he fortunately scored. I screamed goal with the other fans and I was happier than ever. Another Atletico's player manage to score. Up next was Sergio. Of course he manage to score. He was a great footballer. It was now again Atletico's turn. Juanfran ? That's his name I think was the next to score. But he didn't. We all screamed being relieved because if our next player managed to score then the trophy was ours. Everything was up to Cristiano. He shoot... and of course he scored. That was it. We were the winners. Sara , Nicki and I screamed like hell because this was why we made a whole trip to Milano just to see our favourite team win the Champions League this year. I wanted to go into the field and hug Gareth but I knew that this wasn't the cleverest thing I would have done. I didn't want media to know about us. I was not a public person and I really didn't want to become one.

The players went to receive their trophy. Sergio was the one to hold it and all together they celebrated their victory against Atletico Madrid.

After the celebration we headed back to our hotel. I knew that guys they were still celebrating and we didn't want to be in their shoes. I wish I could spend more time with Gareth but for now it was impossible. I could wait till tomorrow. Besides I wanted to tell him about me staying here till Friday. I'm sure he will be excited.

This night I slept easier than any previous the last month. My life was a mess. Well not right now although I had to face my father again about staying in Italy more than I had planned. I wish things were easier for me. I'm so anxious about everything. I really can't handle everything that happens in my life. And it's not only that. When I'm happy about something everything else is going to be fucked up. That's why I am afraid to be happy.

The next morning as I was eating my breakfast I heard my phone ringing. It was Gareth.
- Good morning.
He said with his sleepy voice. I bet he just woke up.
- Good morning.
I replied.
- Congratulations about your victory yesterday.
I said being excited as I remembered the match last night.
- You never came telling me that face to face.
He said as if he was complaining.
- I'm sorry but you were never alone.
I replied trying to calm my nerves a little bit. I was having a bad day since morning and I barely knew why.
- Okay Jane calm down.
He said having understood that I wasn't in my best mood.
- I'm sorry.
I responded. It wasn't his fault the fact that I felt weird since morning.
- Okay I called you because I have something for you since we haven't spend a lot of time together these days.
- Sure what is it ?
I asked sounded like a child.
- It's a surprise. Come at the hotel at around seven.
- Seven okay.
I repeated trying to make up my mind a little bit.
- Be sure you're formal.
- I'll try.
I responded as formal wasn't the word that best described me.
- See you then Jane.
- See you.
- I love you Jane.
- Me too.
I repeated not having the guts to say I love you right now.

- Your dad called.
Sara said as I came out of the bathroom.
- Oh thanks. I'll call him now.
I called him back and he responded immediately.
- Hello Jane.
I could hear he was in a good mood. Perhaps he was too satisfied with the match last night.
- Hey dad.
- I call you just to make sure you're okay.
- I am. Is there anything else you need ?
- We're leaving.
- Okay. Safe trip. To both of you.
I wished as I felt a little bit bad about the fact that I made him sad yesterday.
- You too Jane. You know.... when you decide to come back.
- Sure. Thanks dad.
- See you.
He said calmly.
- See you.
I replied as I waited for him to give an end to our call but he didn't. Something was bothering him. I could feel it in the silence between us.
- What is it dad ?
I asked starting to lose my temper.
- Nothing just ..... take care.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now