Chapter 20

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- You seem down Jane. What about going out tonight ?
Ellen asked. We had just finished our classes today. I wasn't down at all but Ellen wanted to go clubing tonight and I was her only option since Akon had some other plans. I didn't know about his plans but I thought that Adele would be involved in his plans.
- We'll see Ellen. It's possible that you'll change your mind.
I didn't want to go out tonight. I'd rather stay in my bedroom watching movies or drawing like I always do. But Ellen was the exact opposite. She wanted to party and meet new people almost everyday. We're so different that's why we were besties.
- Please Jane I don't want to stay at home tonight. Wait..
What if you tell Gareth to come with us ? I think you like his company more than mine but anyway.
- No Jane of course not. You're my best friend we can discuss for hours. I don't have anything to discuss with Gareth.
- True. He doesn't seem very talkative. Sometimes. Some others he doesn't seem like he can stop talking.
She said and I laughed. It was true. Ellen came with me till my house trying to make me change my mind about tonight. She pointed out the pros and cons of going and not going out tonight. She was talking so much that my head was about to explode. She could be really stubborn sometimes.
- Fine Ellen I'll come with you but please stop talking I'll kill myself if you say one more word.
- Thank you thank you.
She said and hugged me.
- You're the best. We'll have a great time. I promise. We will go to Akon's favourite club.
- Whatever you want.
I said. I didn't want her to start talking again.
- Okay I'll come to pick you up at around nine.
And because it was Ellen I knew that nine was most likely to be ten.
- Okay sweetie see you.
She said being extremelly happy.
- Bye Ellen.
I walked into my house walking towards my bedroom and laid down my bed. I checked my social media accounts as I always do. Nothing special. My phone vibrated and as I expected a text from Ellen appeared in my screen.
《So excited about tonight. Don't you dare change your mind.》
《I won't Ellen.》
I reassured her. I left my phone near me closing my eyes only for a few seconds when my phone vibrated again. Okay Ellen was starting to become annoying.
I thought to myself as I checked my text again.
To my surprise Gareth was the one texting me this time.
《What about going out tonight ?》
Going out ? Who ? Omg I hope he does not mean we two.
《It's not a date.》
Gareth texted again.
《I'm sorry Gareth but I have other plans for tonight.》
I replied wanting to kill Ellen right now.
《Okay then it's a date.》
Gareth tryied again.
《No I really have other plans for tonight.》
I'm sure he thought I was avoiding him.
Damn it Ellen.
《Okay have fun then.》
Gareth respond. I wish he was not mad at me.
Why should he be mad at you ? He did you a favor and ask you out and you said no because you want to hang out with your friend which already has a boyfriend unlike you.
The voice in my head said. Well I think that was my one and only chance to date Gareth and I lost it becauae I'm stupid. I hope at least that we would have fun with Ellen tonight.

At nine I was ready but as I expected Ellen was not here. I was about to kill her. I didn't even know where this club was. It was far away from here and I reminded myself not to drink or let Ellen drink too much because I was not sure how could we turn home after that. Half an hour later Ellen came being beautiful as always. Her tight black jeans and black top were absolutely fitting her. I felt awkward because I wasn't that beautiful although I had tryed a lot.
Ellen whistled.
- You're perfect lady.
She said whistling again.
- Can we go Ellen ? You said nine you know ?
- So are you in a hurry ?
She asked.
- Well no but...
- Okay let's go now then.
She was talking the entire drive to there and I was checking my texts again and again. Gareth hadn't text me again although he was the last one to text. I felt really bad. He was most probably mad at me. He would be sure that I just avoided him.
- Why are you checking your phone again and again Jane ?
Ellen asked being excited.
- Are you texting Gareth ?
- No Ellen I'm not.
- Well when he asks you out I want you to tell me. I'll help you so your date will be perfect and never turn him down for any reason possible.
I rolled my eyes.
- What Jane ? Why aren't you happy ?
- You know Ellen Gareth already asked me on a date. But you were so excited that I couldn't let you down.
I said giving her my phone but she was driving so I read the texts for her.
- Omg Jane I'm so sorry. You should have told me you know.
She said and she looked really sorry.
- It's okay Ellen.
I said.
- I'm not mad at you. Although I should be.
I said but then I laughed. It was stupid to be mad at Ellen. If Gareth liked me we would have other chances.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now