Chapter 39

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My dad came and sat in my bed.
- I know you're not sleeping.
He said and tried to make some noise so he could wake me up in case I was sleeping.
- You don't want to talk it's fine I understand. I had to do what was best for us. Our family. I don't care only about myself as you think I do Jane. I need to work in a better place so I can have more money for you to study in which university you want so that you can buy whatever you want. I'm sorry but I thought that this was the right thing for me to do and by not responding to me right now you're acting childish.
- Am I the one to act childish ?
I turned to face him and I think I scared him a little bit.
- You have to understand that my job is important Jane you don't work right now because if you did you could understand me if not support me.... besides Gareth can buy another ticket for you if you ask him....
- Are you serious ? Can you hear what you are saying ? I would never ask Gareth to buy me another ticket just because you wasted mine.
- Yeah and this happens because you don't really want to go and watch the final you prefer to stay here and blame me because I did what ? Save your ass once more.
- Okay that was it. I had enough. Get out of my room now.
- You're kicking me out of my house ?
He said looking at me sarcastically.
- Please dad leave I'm asking you to do so. I want to be alone for a while.
- You know what's wrong with you Jane ? You always want to be the center of attention. You always want to be the victim.
He started saying the same things as always. I knew that. He never understand me. But I didn't care. How can you care if a person is like a complete strange to you ? It's not the fact that gave my ticket that hurt me the most although this was a lot painfull too , but the fact that he dissappointed me once more. Actually I can't remember a moment that he didn't dissappointed me. And that was the worst part of all. They say that girls are closer to their fathers than to their mothers. I wasn't close to none of them but my father was always the biggest problem in my life. Always trying to show off, always yelling at me for having my opinion, always judging me but always saying that he was just trying to help.
- I'll leave Jane. But I'll wait until you apologize. This is not something I'll easily forget.
He walked out my room and I stared at the door for the next ten minutes. Then I started crying, trying to calm myself but failed. I hated him. How could he always make me wish him to die ? I laid in my bed and I stayed the whole night up crying, imagining that I was another Jane and had other parents that always cared and supported me and that my life was perfect. Too unrealistic even for me. I finally slept at around four in the morning. I dreamt of Gareth holding me in his arms and saying that he was always dreaming of a girl like me. I also dreamt about Akon saying that if it wasn't him I would live in the streets unwanted by everyone. I dreamt a lot about Akon lately and they were all nightmares like the way he had made my life. I woke up feeling more tired than ever. It was about eight and a half and I knew that I should go to my classes. One of the worst days ever was about to begin. I should find the strenght to tell Gareth about the ticket.
He will understand.
I tried to convine myself.
Of course he won't.
Another part of me thought.
He will hate me forever. I knew that. I already hated myself. I should be strong mentally and physically. I decided to give positive signs to the universe hoping for the best. Hoping that Akon's father will suddenly rethink of the suggestion and decline it. Who was I trying to fool ? I was never a lucky girl. Nothing will change now. I got dressed really fast since I was about to be late which I didn't want and headed downstairs. My parents were still sleeping fortunately and I just grabbed my bag and got out of the house fast so I couldn't even think. I wish something would change. I couldn't handle the pain right now.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now