Chapter 108

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- Are you kidding me Ellen ?
I asked her while we were heading to guys training. Yes to the morning training. Ellen came early to my house to wake me up without telling me where are we going. Finally I understood that we were outside Santiago Bernabeau.
- Come on Jane. Don't be mad at me.
She said acting like a four year old.
- You should have told me from the previous night, you know.
I complained.
- No, because if I did you would have reject my suggestion.
- Ellen, I'll kill you. I swear I'll kill you.
- No, you won't. You love me.

We went to the stands. Guys have just started their training and Ellen send Isco a kiss. He smiled back at her and I rolled my eyes. Gareth winked at me when he noticed me and I smiled at him. Ellen was taking pictures and I thought that she was so sweet that came to see her boyfriend in his training but then I understood that she didn't do that only for Isco. In the stands were also other three girls. I recognized all of them. Sara, Bessy and Adele.
Wait, was Adele doing here ?
- What's Adele doing here ?
I asked out loud.
- I don't know. But I know what Bessy is doing.
Ellen said looking at her.
- She came to see Sergio.
- Come on Jane. Of course she didn't came for that. She came to see Isco. She doesn't like Sergio and I think he noticed that too. Don't you remember that she was trying to flirt with Isco when she came here ?
Okay that was true. Bessy liked Isco in the beginning. At least that was what could someone understand. But I think Ellen was exaggerating. She liked Sergio then. She still likes him. Doesn't she ?
- So we came here because you're jealous of Bessy ?
- Of course not.
Ellen said but she avoided to look at me.
- Ellen ?
- Okay fine. I've heard them saying that they were coming. What's the big deal ?
Ellen said and I laughed. She was crazy. Isco is in love with her since forever.
- Since when is Sara so close with Bessy and Adele ?
I asked noticing that these three where laughing at something.
- Since you left. I couldn't bear with her so I said her to give me some space.
- Ellen!
- What ?
- Why are you so rude ?
- Come on you know that she is acting weird.
Congrats Ellen. What else have you done while I was away ?

The practise was finally over. Gareth and Isco came toward us.
- I didn't expect you coming.
Gareth said kissing me.
- Well, it was a surprise.
I said giving Ellen the death stare.
- Yes, it was a surprise. Not even Jane knew that we were coming.
Ellen said laughing.
- You'll pay for that Ellen.
I said and she laughed.
I saw Bessy talking to Sergio and they both came toward us with Adele with them.
- Hi guys.
Bessy said smiling at all of us.
We all greeted her and Adele smiled at me.
- Did you have fun at Wales ?
She asked.
- Yes, it was really good.
I replied smiling back at her.
I noticed Sergio staring at me. I looked at him and we both look in different ways then.
- Ready for England tomortow Gareth ?
Adele asked him.
England ? Tomorrow ? Excuse me ?
I looked at Gareth but he avoided my stare.
- Are you going to England tomorrow ?
I asked him being shocked.
- We have a reunion and we decided that we should go because it's an opportunity to see our old friends.
Adele explained to me smiling. Her green eyes looked at me.
- We ?
I asked afraid of the answer.
- Gareth, me and Bessy.
Adele said again.
- I would have told you....
Gareth started to explain.
I looked at Sergio. He was having fun with the whole situation because Gareth never told me about this trip.
- Excuse us for a moment.
Gareth said talking my hand and leading me away from them.
- What the hell was that ?
I asked him.
- Relax Jane. It's just a reunion and we should go.
- And when did you expect to tell me ?
I asked shouting.
Sergio was staring at us still having fun of our conversation.
I ignored him.
- Jane, we planed this yesterday via messages and because the girls have already checked in I had to do so immediately and I didn't have time to tell you.
- Gareth are you kidding me ? I came in this trainimg completely by accident and I learn that you're going to England after us coming home yesterday ?
I asked feeling dizzy.
- It's only for a few days Jane.
- What does a few mean ?
- Four days Jane. Is that so difficult ?
I looked at him. Well, when your boyfriend goes on a trip with his ex what should you think ?
- Well, I don't want to discuss this right now.
I said trying to calm down.
- Yes, me too. And I already told you's only for four days. What could possibly go wrong ?
He asked and I felt better.
Yes, four days. How many could go wrong in four days ?

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now