Chapter 41

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- We're ready to leave.
Sara said as me and her sister headed to her car. We didn't want to be late so we left soon enough for us to be at the airport an hour earlier. Gareth had called me a couple of times and had also texted me. I only respond to him with a text saying that I'm okay just a little busy to answer to his calls.
He didn't respond after that. I hope he's not mad at me or something. We reached the airport and after all the checks we should do there we waited to our gate. I had a text from my mom saying to have fun and be careful. I respond to her so she wouldn't worry. I was nervous while we waited. When finally our flight was about to start I felt relieved that nothing had happened to stop me from that. I couldn't wait to see Gareth. I tried to sleep during the flight since I was extremelly tired due to everything that happened the previous night and happened today as well. Sara's sister was Nicki. She was now at the second grade of high school. She was a madridista and had a crush on Toni Kroos. I remember when I went to Sara's house that she was always trying to make us give her some attention because she was feeling alone.
- I'll take a nap.
I said to Sara and she smiled politely at me.
- Sure. I'll wake you up when we arrive.
- Aren't you going to sleep ?
- I'm too excited to sleep.
She said and smiled again at me. Nicki was listening to some music not paying attention to us. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about the awful day I had yesterday trying to remind myself that things change so unexpectadly for me only a few hours after the disaster. I slept immediately. I woke up after I don't know how many hour but I still felt tired. I looked at Sara who was reading a magazine.
- You woke up early.
She said and smiled at me.
- Really ? Do we arrive any time soon ?
- Uhm well we have more than fourty five minutes so if you feel tired you'd better sleep again.
- No I'm fine.
- It's okay then.
She said as she continue reading her magazine. I made sure that Nicki couldn't hear and then I said to Sara.
- Thanks a million for what you did.
She looked at me in amazament then smiling again.
- That's what friends are for.
She said and the fact that she was still considering me a friend made me feel better than ever.
- James and I have our half a month anniversary tomorrow.
She said laughing because she remembered their half anniversary.
- Congratulations.
I said laughing as well. We should really spend more time together I have missed her company a lot.
- I'll text James to tell him that we will arrive. Won't you text Gareth ?
She asked looking at me.
-'s a surprise.
I explained.
- I'm sure it is.
She said laughing.
- So what's the plan when we arrive ?
I asked her wanting to find a way to spend as much time with Gareth as possible.
- We'll go to the hotel and then bump into boys.
She said winking at me.
- I thought their coach said no girlfriends allowed.
- Yeah that's why we are going to bump into them.
She said winking again at me.
- Omg guys Toni just followed me on Twitter.
Nicki shouted so that the whole plane could hear her.
We both looked at her and she smiled with her braces. She was a cute girl. Hmmm I think Toni was single it was an opportunity for her, although he was a couple of years older than her.
- He knows that I exist!
Nicki continued turning into red.
- Of course he knows that he's a friend of mine.
Sara said although that wasn't true. They were not friends they just knew each other because of James. I was starting to get bored actually I couldn't wait. Gareth had posted a photo of today's practise on Instagram and I liked it immediately. Some fans were commenting on the photo saying that he was their love and all these kind of things. I felt weird. I know I should get used to it since I'm Gareth's girlfriend.
My phone vibrated. It was Gareth. I couldn't answer not know. I declined the call. I knew that he will understand that I'm up to something but I don't care. I can not believe that I'm flying to Italy a day earlier than expected and I'll have one more day spending it with my boyfriend. The best part of all was that I could spend these days far away from my parents. The plane was about to start landing and I felt butterflies in my stomach in the thought of Gareth. I couldn't wait.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now