Chapter 31

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- I love you Jane.
- I love you too Gareth. You are the most important thing ever happened to me.
Suddenly Gareth's face became Akon's face.
- We'll be married and really rich Jane. I'm so glad you marry me.
- But Akon I don't love you...
I said and woke up. That was weird. I saw Akon in my dream. Well he still frightens me that's why. He hasn't done anything till now but I know I'll pay what I did. Although I didn't do anything. I looked at my phone it was thirteen minutes after three. I remembered that I had the dinner tonight with my parents and Gareth and then I was tired and I slept. I remembered Gareth's childish behavior and I laughed. He was more of a kid that he should ever admit.
I checked my phone again. I had a text. From Gareth.
《Are you sleeping ?》
He had texted me about an hour and a half before.
I responded although I was sure he wouldn't text back. He's probably sleeping.
I thought to myself.
《Mind if I come ? 》
Is he awake ? Why ? Hasn't he training in the morning ?
《No you can come.》
He wouldn't come. He is not that risky. But after a few minutes he texted me that he's under my house. Okay that was weird. I looked from my bedroom window and I saw his car. Okay he was crazy there was no other explanation. I didn't even mean it when I told him to come. Although I really liked the idea. I walked down the stairs trying not to make a lot of noise so that I wouldn't wake up my parents. I unlocked the front door and headed towards his car like it wasn't almost four in the morning and like I wasn't with my pjms. I opened his car door and looked at him.
- Why aren't you sleeping ?
I asked him.
- Why aren't you sleeping ?
He asked me.
- I was but I saw a dream and woke up.
- A dream ? What kind of a dream ? A nightmare or something ?
He asked paying attention to me and looking into my eyes.
- I don't know if it was considered a nightmare. I think so. Why weren't you sleeping ?
I asked him again.
- I couldn't. I was thinking a lot. Besides I have something for you.
He put his hand into his pocket and he gave me two tickets for the match they had on Saturday.
- Omg Gareth you shouldn't do this. I don't want you to buy me things because you just can.
- I've never bought you anything and it's a present for your father as well.
- Do you want him to like you ?
I asked.
- No I know that he already likes me.
He's so show off ! But he was cute anyway.
- Thanks.
I said and kissed his lips.
- I like you Jane. I always did. I liked that you were different from the other girls in high school. You are unique and you are beautiful.
- I like you too. I always did. I think so. Well I liked Sergio but only for a short period. You are hotter.
I said and laughed.
He bit my bottom lip gently. I laid my head in his shoulder. I was so happy right now. I looked at my phone. Thirteen minutes after four. Exactly an hour ago I woke up. Of course I was tired now but I didn't want let him go.
- Go back to sleep.
Gareth told me.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
He said.
I kissed him one more time and I obeyed since I was really tired. I went into my room and after texting him to be sure that he was home and safe I slept properly this time.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now