Twenty-Six | Dimwit

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Feeling the tension in the room grow unexpectedly fast I struggled against Eric's grip, pushing myself off of him and succeeding. Steadying myself as I used an awful amount of force off of him I gave Landon another grin before taking a careful step in front of him.

"Charlie" Jake hissed, his whole body screaming to protect me from this potential danger. Rolling my eyes at him, I turned to give Alpha Luca a smirk.

"Liam Luca I would like for you to meet my lovely yet dumb friend from England, Landon Peters" I introduced them, holding back my laugh as I heard Landon's surprised intake of breath. He wasn't expecting that insult.

"Someone's feeling a little salty today" he whispered as he side-stepped me to give Liam a handshake. He stiffly met him halfway, nodding his head in acknowledgement.

"Nice to meet you" he replied, his tone light. He knew exactly who he was now. Landon was one of the main Alpha known in England. A force to be reckoned with. 

I gestured with my hand to the others beside him. "This is Jake, my brother."

"Ah, the famous twin" he added with a skeptical yet polite nod.

"And Eric, Liam's son" I finished off. Clucking his tongue, he took in Eric. Finally putting a face to a name I used in my pathetic teenage drama stories. Done with introductions I stepped back letting the conversation start up. 

Landon taking a step forward sheepishly rubbed at his neck, "I'm so sorry about everything sir. I mean no disrespect but this trip was unplanned and made last minute" he explained. "I was going to inform the present Alpha-" he started but was interrupted from Jakes obnoxious coughing. Everyone turning to stare at him.

He was trying to get Landon to shut up about the whole werewolf thing in front of me. Making a little 'o' shape with my mouth as I realized I never told him about my current situation, I gripped onto his hand as a warning to shut up. He looked down at me with a wince, his eyebrow raised in confusion. To which I just shook my head.

"I think I'll just take Landon back home and get him reacquainted with my friends. It's been a long time" I said ready to pull him away from these three overly protective males. Landon was a civilized alpha. He wasn't going to kill anyone, and if he was he wouldn't of calmly walked through the place, he could of tore everything apart as soon as he passed the boundaries.

"Charlie I don't think that's a good idea. I would like to get to know your friend first" Liam stopped us. Groaning, I slightly leaned against Landon tiredly.

"I'm sure you'd want to go check in with my dad first. Then you can come over afterwards" I reasoned, already pulling Landon back to try and escape.

"Don't you want to see dad?" Jake asked skeptically. I grimaced. Off course I did, more than anything but I knew he was okay now. He had mum anyway and was in the good hands of these doctors. I will come back later and visit him after I update my friend with the current situation of my life.

"I'll come back soon to visit him. For now, I want to make sure my friends are okay after everything that's happened today. Plus, I'm sure Landon wants to rest after such a long trip here" I answered, feeling slightly proud of my adult-like explanation. All this BS was mainly the reason why I was passing English. I could make anything turn into A quality essays. It's a skill that I was oddly proud of. Only a very few in this world could do this.

"Charlie-" Jake started, but I gave him a firm look. I could take care of myself. He should know that. I wasn't a little helpless girl in the 'human' world.

"I'll drive you home" Eric added in stopping Jake from starting another excuse to keep me here and away from Landon. Holding back another eye roll I shook my head no.

He gave me a pointed stare before rolling his eyes, "You don't have a car Charlie, Jakes staying and I was going to leave soon anyways. I'll take you home" he explained, his voice tight. Registering his words, he was right. I didn't have my own car with me at the moment and I couldn't just shift in the middle of the carpark and gallop home with prying eyes everywhere.

Sighing I nodded my head, feeling comfort as Landon felt my discomfort and squeezed my hand. Giving him a thankful smile, I felt the intensity of Eric's glare at the two of us.

He was jealous.

I felt my chest restrict. Either from amusement or unease, I wouldn't know as Landon now pulled me out of the room as Eric spoke a few last words to his father and best friend.

"I feel a story coming along" Landon sing-sang, knowing full well that my life was more interesting than it once was.



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