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<------- BUTTON says.... "Don't forget, We must eat, too!"

<----- CLICK MEEE!

<---- DO ITTT!

sorry, got a bit carried away. ANYWAY, I am so excited about this last part to my story... and as always, you never want a story to end. But anyway, I have to give a shoutout to all the fans that have been so dedicated to my story! I never would have had the motivation to finish without you guys! :) SO THANK YOU~!

@Addicted-Writer-101 @4everLuv @LadyOfTheNight @NightRockerChick @Eclipse3318 @Illustrate @HereHereandHere @Haley_Erin_Cardwell @tiani_ 


Anyway, I never rant like this, but I gotta! I don't want this to end. Ahhh well. You'll prolly enjoy this last chapter~ :)





                A double wedding. “A double wedding…” Aaron mumbled. “What an idea.”

                “Did you say anything?” James smiled sullenly at Aaron from across the room. Both grooms stood in a back room at Cavalry Baptist Tabernacle in Boulder, Colorado. They both looked appropriate in their matching tuxedos, both ready to take the woman of their dreams as their bride.


                Neither groom had seen their bride-to-be’s dress… as was tradition, but for Aaron, it was a troubling fact. How would his reaction to the dress be seen to all the public- some of which he had never met before? How would his relatives feel about Aaron and Jill’s marriage?

                Granted, the latter had nothing to do with the dress, just Aaron’s old nervousness kicking in.

                Aaron brought himself to other thoughts. James… this man was his enemy not even a year ago, and now… look at the two of them!  They were in the preceding of a double wedding. That meant double the people, double the food, double the space, and a hundred times the nervous jitters.

                Suddenly, both men were ushered out into the sanctuary to wait on the wedding to start. It was all happening so quickly that Aaron found himself missing the glance of his aunt and uncle, both so shockingly thrilled about his proposal to Jill. He missed the opening songs played by the organist. He missed Jodi’s little nieces, Natalie and Madeline, tossing flowers as they made their way down the aisle of the church. He missed the two doors at the back opening for both women to march out.

                Aaron, however, did not miss Jill. She strode beautifully from the back door, her simple white dress flowing like a river behind her. The form-fitting dress showed the contours of Jill’s hips, without being too forward for company. The braided sash around it fit greatly with the braided themed décor in the church, the likes of which Aaron was only now noticing.

                His gaze traveled upward…Jill’s eyes met his and she smiled with her knowing smile, the smile that made Aaron know that everything was right in the world. She was beautiful in every way, and he told her as much immediately after taking her hand from her father’s.

                Jill looked at Aaron curtly and nodded to the pastor, who then began speaking. “Dearly beloved… We are gathered here today to join, in holy matrimony, Aaron Stewart and Jill Brewer, and….” The preacher began with the usual formalities, all the while both Aaron and James gazing into their loves’ eyes.

                The pastor finally looked to Aaron. “Do you, Aaron Stewart, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

                Aaron, in all of his passion, spoke with a firm honest voice. “I do.”

                “And do you, Jill Brewer, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

                There was a long pause as Jill gained her composure. With tears in her eyes, she smiled and said, “I do.”

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