daughter of hell 49

Começar do início

Jason was a big guy with black hair that needed a brush and a pair of stunning ice cold blue eyes. His toothy snear and his treatement of me made me dislike him instantly. But it was Mr. Cocky who had my blood boiling, and not in a good way.

"I don't need your help, fangboy." I all but spat at him.

"I don't know what your problem is, Luci." The bastard ahd the nerve to say.

"Yeah? Well, I don't know what yours is either but I bet it's hard to pronounce!"


That made smile. I was very pleased with myself.

If a guy called me a bitch, I knew I must have hit a nerve. If they started calling me a heartless bitch, I knew I'd got them running scared. So next goal: make the asshole call me a heartless bitch. I figured it wouldn't be so hard to achieve since I could make him call me a bitch without even trying.

"Wench, do you not know who he is?" The Jason guy asked, his tone questioning my sanity.

"How could I not? Conceited, arrogant? Tyrant. Egomaniac. Narcissist." I counted on my fingers.

"That about sums it up, doesn't it?"

If looks could kill Jason would have been my murderer. Stupid vampires had no sense of humour, well except for Nate. One of the huge warriors (yes they were all freaking huge) with brown hair chuckled.

"He does have... quirks." He chuckled.

It wasn't only his unexpected sense of humour that picked my interest, it was the scar that marred his face from his right ear to chin. I had never heard of a supernatural being scarring, thank the demons for that or I would have looked pretty disfigured by now. How come he had a scar? He didn't look like the kind of guy who would let anyone get close enough to use a knife on his face.

He noticed me staring and winked. For some reason that I could not name, I blushed. I felt Mr. Cocky grab my arm and giving it an annoyed pull.

"We better make haste. I suppose my father is expecting us, we should not let him wait."

I was about to punch him in the face for touching me when a cold hand encircled my wrist, kind of gently wich was weird. I looked up to see who had stopped me from giving the bastard what he deserved. It was the blond guy, Darius.

"You should not want to harm your mate, even if you were cross with him." He said in quite the patronizing tone.

"Sorry dude, but I already have a daddy so back off." I snapped.

I tried throwing the guy over my shoulder but only succeeded in bringing him off balance wich wouldn't even have happened if he'd been on his guard. He stumbled and grabbed hold of me trying to regain his balance.

Now, why was this not such a good plan? Let me see: freaking huge muscled vampire guy weighting at least twice my weight.... You get where I'm going?

He took me with him in his fall and landed right on top of me. Instantly I pushed my knee in his stomac, using it as a lever to get him off of me.

"Can't. Breath." I said trying to get him off of me.

Suddenly his weight was gone and an angry vampire stood above. When he saw my facial expression his features softened. Carefully he pulled me up brushed the dirt from my clothes.

"You should be more careful, my princess. Do not pick a fight with us, we would never harm you on purpuous, but our physic is large and you are only human."

daughter of hellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora