Who Goes Where

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(Chara's PoV)

I keep seeing broken shortcuts opening up throughout my Timeline, and I expect that Sans is enraged as all fudge. Even still, it's been a year since I left them. I'm still regretful about Frisk getting hurt, but sacrifices had to be made...

We have most of the Human Souls needed to cross the barrier, just one remains. Even though I offered it up, Mom and Dad refused to use me. They say I'm their child, and after a year down here I'm probably more Monster than Human anyway. I think that's a compliment.

I saw my Timeline's Frisk fall down a few weeks ago, and it struck home just what I had done. She was so kind, so merciful. It took a few days for me to realise that she wasn't the same one, but I still can't look at that floating red soul.

Papyrus stopped asking about Sans, and just grew up different to the other one. He trained harder with Undyne, and now you definitely wouldn't want to face him in a battle screen. And Doctor Gaster fell into the Core a few months back, which caused Papyrus to train twice as hard. I don't think there are many trees left in Snowdin Woods after he learnt how to use the Gaster Blaster. 

As for Asriel, well, he's also grown quite a lot. He's no longer the fluffy lil goat bro I knew, he got tough. He has these weird black streaks in his fur, and can use his powers with more control. Undyne teaches him a few exercises now and then, but can't fully train him until he gets a bit older. It's scary just how powerful he can be.

Me myself, I have a few Monster attributes now, like the ability to shoot small fireballs from my palms, and I'm able to heal other Monsters with green attacks.

Meh, it's been slow. I don't know...

I think I made a mistake trying to save this timeline.

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