Influenza - Alphy's PoV

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Frisk won't stop crying in her sleep, and her cold sweat is drenching her. The flu keeps getting worse each night, and it's been five days since she passed out. It was just after Undyne and I revealed we were both pregnant, and I so wish Frisk was here. I can talk to Frisk, she understands my love of anime and manga and... well that's it! As it is, I've been having Chara pop over every now and then to help with Frisk. She had a wonderful birthday party yesterday, or so she says, but I couldn't help but notice how quiet she's been. Probably nothing. I usually overthink these things then annoy everybody with my fruitless accusations...

I wipe away the sweat from Frisk's brow, and she begins her usual mutterings. Something about Fran? Chara? I don't pay much attention, it's Frisk's flu nightmares. I've been fine, so I am assuming that Human Flu doesn't affect Monsters. Interesting. I wrote that down on my EnderPad. It's a notepad that Professor Gaster and I developed to interact with each other throughout timelines. It's genius, though I feel bad for stealing Ender's pearl. He was a lovely monster to me, and just went missing one day. Somebody says he jumped into the core after helping Gaster, his brother, develop it. 

Chara got a mild strain of the Flu from Frisk, but she was fine after a day of sleeping and eating pie. Sans barely leaves Frisk's bedside, if only to allow me to wash her body. I respect his commitment to his girlfriend. I wish Undyne would have that level of commitment to me... I know that when her... spawn... are born, they will not look a bit like me. I guess us both working long hours meant she wasn't happy with me. It's going to be a difficult topic to talk about, but we'll make it through. 

Frisk cries out in pain, again, back with the Fran and something about Mr Midnight? Weird. And her parents? We never did talk to Frisk about who she was before the fall, but she never offered up the information. She just decided we were her family now. 

I'll have to ask her about it after this... I can't have her this distressed. I care for my little friend. 

"✌●p♒⍓⬧📪 ⬥♏ ■♏♏♎ ⧫□ ⧫♋●&"

"Alphys, we need to talk"

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