Frisk's Dreams

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I fall until I find myself sat in a chair at my sixth birthday party. Mom is screaming at Daddy about something, and she slaps him across the face. He doesn't get mad at her, he get's mad at me, and picks up the baseball bat he bought me. He swings it at my chest and I can't breath. It hurts, but Daddy and Mommy stop fighting. They just slap me. 

I walk into the kitchen and see my Mom with some man I don't know. I'm seven now! A big girl, though Daddy says I should of been a boy. I don't know why Daddy doesn't love me anymore, but he only slaps me every now and then, but Mommy always hits me. I'm naughty, and Mommy says I need to be punished. She kisses this man, and it's wrong. Mommies only kiss Daddies. That's the law. The strange man sees me and pushes Mommy off of him, and chokes me. Mommy laughs and grabs a knife from the kitchen drawer that I'm not allowed into. She pushes it against my belly and cuts me a little, making the red blood come out. She yells at me to not tell Daddy, and I nod. She shoves me out into the hallway and I hear Mommy moan, a bit like I do when I hurt.

I turn towards the front door and wipe the tears from my eyes, watching Daddy shove Mommy against the wall and kiss her. Mommy slaps him gently and tells him to stop it. Mommy's stomach is big with my little sister and she reaches for a hug from me and Daddy. Now Mommy got rid of that bad man she and Daddy have been happier. I smile happily as Mommy and Daddy walk towards the stairs, and Mommy stops suddenly. She asks me if I want to see my new room, because my sister needs my old room. I nod yes, and she opens the door in the hallway that nobody goes into. There are some stairs in here, and she pushes me down them roughly. I hit my head on the floor, hard, and pass out.

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