UNDERTALE - Frisk's Pov

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I woke up on my... Asriel's comfy bed in Tori's house. The smell of a warm butterscotch and cinnamon pie drifts closer, making me smile happily. It hurts to smile... weird. I get up and retrieve the pie from the plate on the floor, nomming away at it hungrily. I recover all my lost HP... phew. I get up and potter out of the room and towards the room I know Tori will be sat in, reading her book on snails.

how stupid

Wait, what? Not stupid... I love Toriel. She's my Mom. I wonder where that thought came from... huh... I find Tori sat in her cosy chair with her book and her reading glasses, and I smile again, causing my face to ache with pain. Shaking it off as a bruise from the Fall, I go up to Tori and tug on her purple sleeve.

"Hello my Child, my name is Toriel... Oh gosh! It must be so disorientating for you... uh... you are in my house, safe, in the ruins. I... I am the caretaker of the ruins. I hope you will enjoy staying here." 

not for long you pathetic fool

I gasp, and fall backwards onto the floor. That voice... That's Chara's voice! And I'm... I'm Frisk...

I'm meant to be in the OverGrounds...

"T o r i e l... I  n e e d  t o  g o  h o m e... p l e a s e... T o r i..." I whisper, knowing my voice will be loud and obnoxious if I speak up. I'm so worried... this is a Chara genocide timeline... I can't be here! 

"My child, you are safe here. I have prepared a curriculum for your education. This may surprise you, but I have always wanted to be a teacher." Toriel smiles innocently at me and I shake my head softly. I run into the kitchen and gaze up at the countertop.

Where are all the knives?

No! Nonononononononononononononono! NO! I can't be here... 


If I'm here... where's Chara?!

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