Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Niall but you didn't have to do this!" I climb up into the chair.


"Are you gonna eat with me.?"

"I already had a protein shake I'll be good."

"Okay." I took a spoonful into my mouth and he just stared at me. "Uhm, do you have soccer today?"

"Yeah from 9:00 to 11:00."

After breakfast Niall drove me to the caffe.
I opened the door.
"Aye, aren't you gonna tip the taxi driver."

I looked at him questionable so he just leaned over and stole a kiss.

"Okay bye." I smile and hop out.
"Do you need a ride home?"
"No thanks I'll get Allison or Somone to drop me off."

"You sure?"

"Yeah have fun at practice!"

"Bye." I shut the door and enter the coffee house.

"Kamryn Kelly." Kathy said.


"So I checked my security cameras this morning."

"Why, did something bad happen?"

"Well no, let's just say my security footage almost turned into a sex tape."

"Oh." I look down knowing that my cheeks were probably strawberries. "Yeah, that."

"Don't do that ever again!" She bumps my hip and starts the coffee pot. Getting away from Kathy as soon as possible, I scurry to the kitchen ready to start my day.
"Hannah I'm home!"

"Hey girl." Hannah looks up from her card game with Max.

"How was your night?" I pick up Pearl to join them at the table.

"It was good. Max spent the night and Pearl slept by his feet. How was yours?"

"It was good thanks for asking!"


"So what's up with this rose thing?"

"What rose thing?" She discards so she could give me a confused look.

"Why did you attack Niall with roses?"

"I was mad at him, and he deserved it!" She shrugged going back to the game.

I rolled my eyes.
"So you just decided to go buy roses and beat him up with them? Wow dedicated and passionate."

"Not exactly." She scratches her head giving me a guilty look.

"Hannah what did you do?" I put my head in my hands and Pearl slightly yelped.

"He may have sent you some roses and I stole them to give him a peace of my mind!" She nervously smiles.

"He sent me roses." A smile decorates my face.

"He's still a dick." She shrugs.

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