40 - Danger

59 11 3

Lily/Azusa's POV:

As I walked together with Akihiko...I had the mixed feelings...of nostalgia...and sadness...I remember those times that we have bonding with my parents...and laughter when I played with my friends here...and now...my beloved home is now deserted...and stained by years of cruelty and violence...that General Castillo has done...not only to this castle, but to my people, my parents, my friends, and my home...

"Azusa-chan, let's watch our backs. We'll never know where the General is hiding now." Akihiko points up his sword as we walk into the empty hallways of the castle.

Finally, after minutes of cautious walk within the castle, we reached the balcony...where General Ronald Castillo is staring at the window, watching the ongoing rebellion that I organized...

"Well...well...well...look what we have here." Then, he turned towards us. "After all these years, the girl that I am looking for so long has long last arrived in front of me. I'm impressed, you staged a wonderful play out there."

"That's not a play, that's a rebellion, and your rule is coming down!" I fiercely replied the General.

"Huehehe!!! But that's not over yet, Your Highness!" General Castillo grins at us. "As long as I live, my power and control over this empire of yours will not fade!"

"That's why we are here!" Akihiko suddenly speak up and challenged him. "We're here to beat you up for what you've done to Princess Lily!"

"Oh! You bring a little surprise to accompany you, Princess." Ronald then turned his attention to Akihiko and taunt him. "Well...if he had what it takes...then try me! Hehehe!!!"

"HAAAAA!!!" Akihiko started running towards Ronald with his sword...but we don't know that he has a invisible magic barrier... deflecting the attack and throwing Akihiko back to my side.

Understanding that my opponent has probably the same magical skills as mine, so I decided to make a move.

"Vetita Novae Caesareae Carmen Ascia...Magus Princeps Imperii Pugna!!!" As I prepare all my magic into battle mode, Ronald and I starts to float in midair. "You're floating as well, huh? Let's see what got..."

"Resolvere Infirmitatem!" I tried to know what is the weakness for this cold-hearted general. But it seems that he already knows what am I doing right now.

"Huehehe!!! I don't have any weakness!" Ronald proclaimed. "I use dark magic and dark magic doesn't feel any pain for me. HIYAAA!!!"

"Woooaaah...AAAH!!!" And then, at the palm of his hand...he unleashed a invisible force wave the throws me out from floating and into the ground...

"Azusa-chan! Are you alright?" Akihiko comes to my aid and helped me to get up.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled a bit to ease his worries. "I'm just like being thrown away by wind or something..."

"A wind, huh?" Ronald overheard our conversation. "Well...I guess you underestimate the power of my magic!"

Ronald then raised his hands up into the sky...while I notice...all of the swords in the throne room...as its blades began to infused with his dark magic...and began to spin...

"Well...I'm good in using people as puppets, but I'm better in using my magic to destroy anybody in my path!" He then makes an incantation. "Ferrum in tenebris, Unusquisque in viam occidere!"

"Ruuun!!!" We began to sprint as the spinning swords quickly began to chase us...it keeps on following us whenever I go, even we left the throne room. We flee...and flee...until we arrived in a corner...where there is nothing to hide...but then...my wand began to glow...as the swords began to come close to us...so...I tried to reach them with my two hands...

"He-hey! What are you doing? That's dangerous dark magic!" Akihiko warned me, but...

"Don't worry...as long as my wand begins to glow...I believe that something will happen...very nicely...

I was able to hold...over the blades of two of its swords...though it is very painful...my hands began to absorb the dark magic...until the swords stopped from spinning...and fell upon my bloody hands...

"Sanitatem Divina Persona!!!" I silently cast a spell to heal my hands, as Akihiko is startled by what he had saw...

"Come on, Akihiko-kun! We need to go back to the throne room!" I told him as I slashed all the remaining swords with black magic.

"Oh! Okay! Sorry if I stared at you for too long." He then devise a new plan. "Since you had two new swords, we should attack Ronald together."

I simply nodded as we sprint our way back into the throne room. When we saw the General Castillo turned his back on us...it opened a opportunity.

"HAAA!!!" Together, we attack Ronald with our swords...only to be deflected by his arms...inflicting no wounds in it.

"You can do better than that!" And then...he opened his hands to morph a magic sword and slashed us away. With this, we engaged into a fierce sword battle...we give out all the energy that we had into our swords...our blades sparks everytime it collides...just to penetrate right through the swords of the General...

"Why! Why did you do all of this?" I managed to ask Ronald while we are fighting. "Why do you need to control people for you?"

"Because this is my revenge! This is for what you...your father...and your forefathers...have done to us!!!" Ronald shouted back. "You need to suffer the consequences! You need to die!!!"

"Bu-but...I didn't do anything to you...nor my father! I don't even know when he told me about this!" I refuted. "Look...if my forefathers are responsible for your grief and suffering, I'm sorry! Let's just stop fighting and talk about this, okay?"

"TOO LATE!!! HIYAAA!!!" Ronald breaks through my defenses and slashed us.

"AAAAH!!!" Ronald's sword attack is too strong that we are thrown out and hit the wall hard...before we're slammed to the ground...

"You know...I'm already pissed off by all of what you said, Your Highness..." Ronald began to walks closer towards us...as he scratches the floor with his sword. "Nothing...I mean nothing...will ever stop me from seeking revenge against you...and I'm not gonna delay this furthermore... I will now kill both of yo-woah!!!"

Ronald dodges a fireball which suddenly appeared from outside the throne room...while knocking his sword out of his hand


Within moments...they finally appeared...my beloved...and loyal friends...

"Princess Lily! Akihiko! Are you alright! Thank goodness we're not too late!"

Lady Rin's Note:

I hope that you will enjoy this chapter...since MECF is nearing its end. If you like this, you can click the star at the bottom.^^

By the way, this chappie is dedicated to my sick boyfriend Sir Gen. Get well soon, okie? ;)

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