18 - Offensive!

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Regine's POV:

"We're under attack! Our camp is under attack!" A soldier came in the end of the knighthood ceremony to relay the bad news.

"What would you mean? They can't invade us from here?" I replied. "But...do you refer to our humanitarian team in the other side of the border?"

"Yes, mam!"

"Well then, gather all of our troops and rescue the humanitarian team." I started to give orders as I myself prepares to lead the troops, then turned to Danica and Danielle. "Danica, Danielle, do you think that you are ready to deal with this?"

"Yes. We are always ready." The sisters grins at me with assurance.

After few moments of preparation, a team of 100 troops march forward towards our target. The target is the border town of Usce, Nova Ascia. Currently, the Government - in -Exile is having an ongoing humanitarian project to protect the livelihood from the combined onslaught of drought and pest, the same problem that happened in Niño Village, except that the Imperial Government itself is trying to stop from doing so. But right now, the situation is growing worse...

"Mam Regine, some members of the humanitarian team is taken hostage by the Imperial Forces. " One soldier informed me about the situation. "They take them into their military compound. Please be guided, mam, because they have enough arms and ammunitions that will annihilate us in one strike."

"Yes, I understand..."

I initially planned to surround the area and neutralize anybody who is in the gate. Most of our troops are just swordsman and we have a huge risk to be killed so we assume assassin strategies...

Danica's POV:

I hid into a large tree, just behind a group of Imperial Soldiers. I throw a stone into the bushes so it make a distraction. The troops came down the bushes to see what's going on, and that's where I jumped in: I put up my hidden dagger and slit the soldiers head as quickly as possible. If I was discovered, I will engage into combat until either I killed him or I come close to him so I could stab him on his stomach or his heart.

That's our usual battle tactic with Danielle, should we are under the spell of General Castillio, it will be something else.

"Hehehe! You're fast! You've already scored a lot, Danica!" My sister complimented me.

"Hehehe! It's fine! I'm just felt lucky." I replied while I defend myself from a remaining soldier and finishing him off. "Besides, we have the same skills, right?"

"Of course, we're sisters! Hehehe!!!"

Danielle and I come together, chasing and assaulting another troops of Imperial Forces and defeating it. Little did we know that those troops will take us into their trap: we are surrounded by a more tougher and dangerous troops...they have firearms and I sense a strong magical presence on them, knowing that what they are about to face is a defectors who once been the finest on their ranks...

They opened fire on us with a successive waves of bullets and fireballs. Since we didn't know anything about magic, we decided to fall back. But we are just followed quickly by them along the way until...

"AAAAHH!!!" I was hit by an enemy fireball and fall into the ground. I still saw Danielle running into the battle line towards our front...only to be shot in her back


I tried to crawl to aid her...but I was dragged into the ground by a soldier and pointed a sword unto my back. We're doomed. We're defenseless against what is about to hit us. It will only take a miracle to save us from trouble....

Lily/Azusa's POV:

"Lily! Our forces are dwindling!!!"

The Imperial Forces is launching a counter-attack against us, falling into their strategic traps and killing everyone of them. I already heard Danica and Danielle are about to be captured by the Imperial Forces. That's why I decided to take everything into my own hands...

"Akihiko-kuuun! Get ready! We will make our move..."

"But we should do it right now! Our troops are in danger...Azusa-chan! Azusa-chan!"

Akihiko noticed that my eyes are closed and I'm reflecting about something. Yes, it is....

"Tutela inermium, destruendo malos, tradentes lucem et stabilienda pace. Aperi! Nova Ascia Imperialis Scriptura Veritatis!!!"

The Book of Truth opens and began to search according on what's on my mind. I remember something in this book that could save our troops from trouble...I don't know if this is the spell General Castillio was using for Danica and Danielle but...

"Imperium Romanum Cohortes Protinus!!!"

Suddenly, I see myself in Danielle's body, lying in the field. I see a wound over her back but...I don't feel it so...I "stand up", pick up my sword and throw it to immediately stab the soldier who points a sword on her back.

"Wait?! Who are you?!" Danica is startled by the sudden movement of her wounded sister. "Wait...is that you, Lily?"

"Yes. I'm using a spell that transports me to your bodies to control you!"

"Wow! That's great!" Danica feel glad as she got up, pick up two swords in the ground and start assaulting the soldiers. "Please take my sister back to you and I will handle this!"

I controlled Danielle to run midst of the battlelines until it reached the bungalow, where I let go of control over her and collapsed in front of me.

"Akihiko-kuuun! Go to Danica and help her release the hostages!" I directed Akihiko as I released his sword. "Remissionis Exemplum Imperii Gladio!!!"

Akihiko quickly ran into the battle lines as I sat down beside Danielle and heal her wound at the back...

"Prospiciunt, sanitas!!!"

I put my hand above her wound and it started to emit a light that will heal and dry it. The spell also removed from her body a small barrel that had hit her.

Danielle is somewhat conscious when I am healing her. She started to become worried about her sister Danica...

"Princess Lily, will my sister make it out alive?" Danielle saddened face looked at me. "She's alone, surrounded by enemies...sniff....sniff..."

I then smiled, hugged Danielle and tap her shoulder to calm her down saying...

"Don't worry, Danielle. Akihiko-kun is coming for her. Trust me, they will handle this."

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