39 - Rescue

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Alice's POV:

"Quick! Let's go! Let's go! I sensed her in that dungeon!"

I don't care whether my enemies are stronger or not, I just want to rescue my mother who is being detained in a dungeon just west of the city!

"Wa-wait, Princess! It's too dangerous!" Darwin and Napoleon warned me.

"Please! My mother is in danger! We got to rescue he-"

"Watch out!!" Napoleon pushes me down to the ground, just to kill somebody who attempted to kill me. "HIYAAA!!!"

"Thank you..." I told Napoleon as he helped me to get up. "Sorry if I'm sorry for acting too fast for you."

"No worries, Princess. Just take care of yourself this time."

...sigh...if I can't pass those meanies that took over my mother...then I will find a way to do it!

"Enarratio Ponitis!!!" I cast a spell to detect weakness spot of my enemies and its battle line using my only usable sense: hearing. With this spell, I can distinguish the different sound waves that I hear...so I can formulate a perfectly predicted plan...and I did...

"Napoleon! Darwin! Use your skills to cut a way into the enemy lines!" I instructed the cousins. "Their weakness spot is just west of where are you standing right now!"

"Got it!" They escorted me towards the west of the dungeon...and proceeded with their offensive...

"Tempus Movere Magica Parem Translatio!!!" I gave Darwin and Napoleon almost all of my magical powers to defeat everything on their paths, and so that our troops will proceed with storming the dungeon...within minutes...the cousins succeeded their objectives and...

"Princess Alice!!! The Imperial Forces has been annihilated from this dungeon, from inside out!" A commander reported about the current situation. "You are now safe to rescue the Empress."


"Whoa! Princess Alice!" Exhaustion overcame me and my body started to collapse...only to be caught by Darwin. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'm just a little bit dizzy." I smiled about his concern towards me. "Well then, can both of you accompany me inside?"

"Yeah, sure."

But as we walked our way inside the dungeon, something comes into my mind...we easily defeated our enemies...but how about my friends? I believe that their enemies are much harder...I bet that even me might find hard to deal...and predict the outcome...especially those who is dealing in the armament camp...wait...Danica and Danielle are there! They're in danger!!!

"Umm...guys, if anybody doesn't like the dark...you can go out...and help Danica and Danielle!"

"Huehehe! Who told us that we are afraid of the dark? Huehe-wait! Did you said that somebody is in trouble?" Darwin's pun on my question was disrupted with my concern. "Don't worry, I will deal with it. Napoleon, take care of Alice, okay?"

"Okay! Take care, cousin!"

Napoleon's POV:

Alice clings into my right arm...as her walking stick...serves as the guide...of this blind but courageous princess...into the dark dimensions of this dungeon...only the torches in the walls guiding our way...in search of her mother...the disgraced Empress...imprisoned by General Ronald Castillo.

"Mom!!! Mom!!!" Every now and then, Alice yells for her mother...but there are always no response...until we reached the end of the dungeon...where Empress Angelica Diana lies on the ground...motionless...

Alice sensed her mother and lets go from me...she loses her balance and falls to the floor. Nevertheless, she crawls and gropes with her blind eyes...so she could find her mother.

"Mom! Mom!!! Wake up!!!" Alive found the Empress and shake her body...

"Huh? Who are you? Wait...Alice?!" The Empress quickly got up, noticed her daughter and hugged her. "It is you, sweetie!!!"

Emotions filled the atmosphere as tears were shed for the ladies...I heard from Princess Lily that they have been forcefully seperated by General Castillo because Alice is being helped by some generals to snap her mother out of General's puppet spell...

I observed and smile at their reunion but then, the Empress noticed and called me...

"Come, mister. Don't be afraid." I then saw for the first time...the smile of the Empress.

I walk closer to her...and as a gentleman, I offered my hand to her to get her up with her daughter.

"Thank you, gentleman." The empress gently thanked me. "You're very kind in bringing my daughter here and setting me free."

"Yeah...and that's because your daughter is very courageous in finding you." I replied. "She even managed to gathered her friends like me to save you and liberate Nova Ascia."

Upon hearing my explanation, the Empress turned to her daughter Alice and pats her head gently.

"Hehehe! Mom! Please stop it! It tickles! Hehehe!" Alice giggled by the gentle touch the Empress is doing.

But suddenly, the Empress' mood changed. As she holds Alice's hand, she faced me and asked...

"Umm...gentleman, is Princess Lily here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." I responded. "She is in the Imperial Castle, engaging a battle with General Castillo."

"Wait...with the General?!" The Empress is surprised by the news. "Can I help her?"

"I don't think so, Your Majesty." I told her. "Princess Lily already told us that it will be a fight only between her and the General..."

"But...let us fight with her!" Alice stepped up. "After all of he did to us...he lied to us...he used us...he even teared us apart...we are ready to seek revenge to him, and we will help Princess Lily in defeating that idiot!!!"

Convinced by their explanation, I finally gave to their decision. In fact...

"Well then, count me in." I joined their alliance. "If my master wants to fight, so do I!"

"Thank you, Napoleon." Alice thanked me as we began run out of the dungeon. "Come on, let's go!"


Regine's POV:

After hours of rest, I decided to take a glimpse outside the camp where I currently staying...I noticed the Imperial Castle...its windows are glowing every now and then...the final battle has begun...between my best friends Princess Lily and Akihiko Koizumi...against the dictator of Nova Ascia...General Ronald Castillo.

"Regine! Regine!" Then, someone called my attention...and that was Danica, Danielle and Darwin. "We need to go to the castle right now! Princess Lily needs our help!"

"Yeah...but I can't fight right properly until my wound in my leg heals."

"Don't worry, Regine. We got your back. Just trust us!"

Giving in to what Danica said to me...I limped my way out of the camp...and let Danielle carry me unto her back.

Princess Lily...Akihiko...we are coming for you...hang in there...

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