37 - Advance

46 10 2

Regine's POV:

"Ugh...where...am I?"

I just woke up in a bed... presumptively it is some sort of a military hospital...

"Oh...good. You're awake." A female voice was heard from the bedside. I saw a nurse attending me. "Phew, that was close, Mam Regine."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I curiously asked the nurse.

"Well...you collapsed with a deep cut on your left leg and you are almost dragged by the Imperial Forces for interrogation, good thing that you are just near the rebel camp and they dispatched a team to rescue you."

"Oh...okay." I smile at the nurse while I saw my leg with bandages. "Do you have any idea on what's going on outside?"

"Well...a little bit." The nurse then describes the situation. "We have occupied all the camps in the south while we are easily winning the war in the west side of the city, while it was a tough one on the east."

"How about Princess Lily and Akihiko?"

"I have no idea." Then the nurse starts to walk away. "But don't worry, I'm sure that they will have a great work out there. For now, you should take a little rest, Mam Regine."

"Yeah...I suppose."

As I closed my eyes to take a little nap, I can't stop thinking about them...are they really alright...sigh...

Danica's POV:


"HIYAAAA!!!" Me and my sister Danielle is busy neutralizing our opponents on the east side of Morato City. The Imperial Forces is holding their ground to protect their camps where they hid their stockpile of armament.

"Danica! We cannot advance further." Danielle assesses the situation. "As long as they have the armaments, they still have their advantage!"

"Well...that's because they have plenty of arms to fill in for them." I replied. "We should devise a plan to cut through their lines."

With no other opponents in sight, I overlooked the situation...the Imperial Forces has formed a thick human barrier around the camp and my forces is struggling to punch a way through...even they tried the most plausible action possible...sigh...if Akihiko was here...we will definitely going to cut through that camp with our flaming force slash...

Wait a minute...Princess Lily just taught me something...a spell that can duplicate swords for me and for Danielle...it's just that Princess Lily told me something...

"A sword already cuts out the thin...but adding a little touch in it...like another sword, a magic spell or both, it can now cut through everything...even the thickest of it."

It makes sense...since I already encountered that with Akihiko...but he's not here...no, wait! Danielle and I already have a special skill dating back when we're still within the ranks of the Imperial Forces! Probably...it might work in this case.

"Danielle! Come here! Quick!" My sister is just finished from neutralizing her enemies when I called her.

"Here's what we will gonna do. I will make another sword for both of us. Afterwards, we will do the skill that we learned from the time we are from the other side. I know this skill is not been ever tried yet...but this is our only option to get through with that armament camp."

"Yes, I understand. Let's do it!"

Danielle quickly agreed with my terms. Because of this, I immediately start with my incantation.

"Remissionis Exemplum Imperii Gladio!!!" I created the exact copies of Princess Lily and Akihiko's sword for us. And upon my nod, we finally executed our special skill...

"HAAAAA!!!!" We spin our twin swords flawlessly, forming a strong vertical tornado. We immediately directed our troops to stand back and follow us. Everybody who is standing within our path will just be thrown away...adding to the attacks from our own troops.

The process is too slow but it is all worth it...we are inching ourselves closer towards the camp...but...suddenly...somebody stopped our swords from spinning.

"Hmm...somebody uses our skills illegally." A familiar voice was heard. "Well...well...well, if isn't those little traitors."

It was General Carlos Franco, the chief of the Imperial Forces, the right hand of General Castillo, and our mentor

"Hmph! You tricked us!" Danielle lets down of her sword and complained. "Did you fulfill all of your promises to us? You never did! You just used your offers just to the personal gains of your imbecile General!"

"Silence!!! That's not the way I raised you as a model soldier!" General Carlos scolded my sister. "You changed sides and you don't even respect your mentor?!?!"

General Carlos then pointed his very sharp twin swords to us and starts to threaten us.

"Well then, traitors. This is the way it should be. All of the traitors of the Empire like both of you must die!!!"

"FINE!!! YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!" We declared the same words to our former mentor. "We will ready to die for Princess Lily because what she is fighting for is right, we will never be loyal to anybody who uses us!!!"

All of us three pointed our swords at each other...stood motionlessly...waiting for anybody to strike...

"HIYAAAA!!!" General Carlos began to attack us, only to be deflected. We attacked back, but whenever side or skill we make, but the General just evaded it and counters. The battle is on for some minutes, deflecting each other's attack without taking any damage...until...


Danielle and I just standing and looking at General Carlos again...panting...exhausted...with no possible energy left to make any possible offensive...but as for the General...

"Ha?! You weaklings!!! You learned nothing from joining that stupid Liberation Forces!" General Carlos walks towards us very slowly. "Well then, suffer the consequences!!!"

With no stamina left within us...we just closed our eyes...and face our imminent death...as our mentor prepares for his final blow...for us...weaklings...


I opened my eyes to know what happened...I noticed that General Carlos Franco...was stabbed through his chest...by somebody...

"Who dares...challenge...my authority...?"

As General Franco has taken his last breath, the identity of his assassin appears...

"Are you hurt, miladies?"

"Wait...Darwin?! What are you doing here?!" I was startled by the surprise visit of our allied elf. "Are you supposed to take sides with Princess Alice?"

"I was...but the situation is a little bit too easy for us, so Alice decided to dispatch in case that something is not right for both of you...well...it was."

"Yeah...that's our former mentor we are facing. Thanks for the help." Danielle smiled in gratitude. "How about you help us occupy their armament camp?"

"Oh, sure! That's what I'm here for!"

My Extraordinary Childhood Friend (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now