27 - Grief

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Lily/Azusa's POV:

"Lily...my mother...she just died..."

Akihiko then quickly burst into tears...I then hugged him very tightly to release all the grief that he has...

"There...there...I'm here for you..." I calmly tell him...while I pat his back. "If you want...all of us will come tomorrow at her wake..."

"Thank...sniff...thank you..."

September 7, 2014

Tokyo, Japan

Regine, Danica, Danielle and I accompanied Akihiko to his house by the portal in Niño Village. His house are filled with people...probably relatives and friends of her mother that we never met...Akihiko guide us to the room...where the casket of her mother lies...it was topped by multiple bunches of flowers...and her picture...which is actually taken by me years ago...

Akihiko was busy dealing with his guests for hours...while I stared blankly at the casket until we are the only ones left...and Akihiko emerged into the room and sat down...

"She had done her part for me...but I can't still change..." Akihiko started the conversation.

"What do you mean, Akihiko?" Danielle asked him.

"My mother is the only person that understands me. Nobody in this town understands me...accepts me...even my classmates...even I do hangout with them sometimes...they just left me...but my mother...she always accept me..."

Akihiko continues his story while he stares at her mother's casket: "She always cheers me up when we arrive from school, she wants to play with me even online computer and video games...hehehe...I remember that everyday would not be complete without arguing about those video games."

"Then...my mother was assigned to the temple as the chief shrine maiden...that is when she invited me to work with her there. Because of her, I was given opportunity to make new friends through the tourists that always ask for help, the shrine maidens that always making fun of me...all of those are thanks to my mother..."

Regine suddenly stood up and goes out of the room...within moments she returned with a glass of water...

"Here, Akihiko." Regine handled over the glass of water. "I hope this can help you to get better...at least..."

"Tha... thanks..."

He drank the entire content before he continues his story...

"But now...sniff...my mother is gone...sniff...there is nothing I could count on...sniff...nothing I could run on...sniff...I can't move on without her...sniff...she's my only...sniff...hope...HUHUHUHU!!!"

Akihiko rushed towards the casket of her mother and wept hardly...


I wheeled myself towards him...I stood beside him...and hugged him once more...more tighter than the last...

"Akihiko...you know...when I just left the hospital and trying to recompose my magic nine years ago, your mother actually helped me...how to be better...she taught me to be resilient in the face of fear...if not because of your mother...I will not defeat that phantom ghost in the temple...nor I didn't go too far in our liberation campaign..."

Akihiko faintly smiled at me...though his tears remains fall from his eyes...

"Akihiko...you have already have friends...who will never leave you..." I continued. "In fact, you already have a girlfriend, that you saved, to cry on. Come...cry all you want to me..."

And his emotions broke down...crying a mountain of tears...all the grief that he hid...from the loss of her mother...Regine, Danica and Danielle stood up and console Akihiko with me...

"Cheer up, Akihiko! You're the familiar of the princess!" Danica told him. "You're strong! You saved the princess twice! You defeated a werewolf, a dragon, you even helped liberate the people! They regard you as a hero!"

"She's right! You saved me, too!" Regine smiled at him. "I don't regret partnering with you when we released those hostages especially when we make that huge flame-force slash towards the soldiers!"

"See...you now have people to rely on and to count on." I concluded as I wiped his tears. "And this is my reparation for saving me twice: Akihiko-kun...I will never...ever...leave your side. I promise...no matter what."

With all the motivation that we give... he finally smiled at us...he is ready to accept it all...he then turned back to his mother's casket...

"Mother...do you remember the time that you announced your retirement from being the chief shrine maiden and I became uneasy...then you said to me: "The one who will be the next chief shrine maiden will be the answer to all of my problems"? Mother...you're right. The next chief shrine maiden...though she came from another world...has given me all the answer...she lead me to places and adventures that I never think that would happen...she has given me a new purpose by being her familiar and partner...she changed my life. Mother, thank you for guiding me to her...if you told me to take good care of her, I will. Farewell...till we meet again..."

Days later, the remains of her mother is about to be cremated. Me and my friends, as well as the temple's shrine maidens are in attendance...to take the last glimpse before being cremated. Akihiko, the only child was the last one to step forward. I accompanied him as we drew closer to her mother for the last time...

"Akihiko-kun...are you ready for this?"

"Yes, Azusa-chan. I'm not gonna cry anymore." Akihiko smiled at me. "It's already time to move on and I'm ready for it..."

Akihiko stopped in front of the casket...and place a banquet of flowers on top of it. And before we leave...he bow down and kissed the casket saying...

"I love you, mother. I will always miss you..."

We walk away without any tears to be shed. Then suddenly, out of the blue...I kissed his cheek...to cheer him up...

"Hehehe... Azusa-chan...what are you doing?" Akihiko smiled a little on what I've done to him.

"Well...that is to make you cheer up. Hehehe! I giggled back at him. "But...about what you said to your mom about me...um...thank you. I'm grateful that I was the one your mom is referring to."

"Your welcome! Remember that I will serve, protect and...hehehe...love you, Princess Lily!"

"Wha-waaah!!! Akihiko-kuuun!!!" I blushed on what he said. "Ple-please don't call me princess!"


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