16 - Prisoners

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Imperial Castle
Morato City, Empire of Nova Ascia.
July 2, A.N.A. 1315

Third Person's POV:

General Ronald Castillo just gathered two of its finest knights...

"You have already know you target, right?" The two knights nodded on the General's inquiry.

"Well then, go forth and do what you are supposed to do."

They don't have magic, only swords. Because they have a secret weapon...to make Princess Lily give in...

Government-in-exile Seat
Village of Niño, Kingdom of Alaniab.

Lily/Azusa's POV:

"Your Majesty?" A commoner called me.

"Hehehe! Just call me Lily!" I smiled back at the commoner "Anyway, what is it, my friend?"

"Our farms are not growing. We are experiencing drought and the infesting pests does make it worse. Our government's subsidies is not enough to sustain it. As the head of the government situated her in our village, can you help us?" The commoner farmer pleas to me.

"Sure, I will try our best. We have enough money to provide seeds and fertilizers." I granted his request. "Don't blame the government, I believe that there are really doing what it can to help you. You can still trust them, okay?"

The farmer nodded as he leaves the bungalow with a smile on his face. Despite being a government in exile, we can be able to provide services in the town we are situated...and Regine told me...that we are also providing support for the underground organizations inside Nova Ascia itself.

"Princess Lily, you have some visitors, they requested you to come outside."

I get my crutches to stand up and limped myself towards the front of the bungalow. There are no guards in the bungalow, assuming that I can defend myself, as Regine and Akihito is assisting the villagers. I saw two ladies in casual clothes and...wait a minute...their faces...they're familiar to me...

"Yes, ladies. What can I do for you?" I happily asked them. "But may I ask you first, do I met you before?"

"Yes, Lily..." They then put out their swords and pointed at me. "We've met when you're just a kid. But now, we will not be your friends anymore. We are here to take you, in the name of the empire!"

On my astonishment, I lost my balance on my crutches and fall down to the ground. I can't believe about what I have saw...my friends that I first met...Danica and Danielle...is in front of me...here to capture me.

"Impetum Scutum!!!" They tried to attack me with their sword...but I immediately cast a spell to block it. "Why?! Why do you need to kill me?!"

"We thought that we are your friends, but you don't! You betray us!" Danica responded. "Why you left us?! You don't help us when that earthquake struck! We suffered! We suffered a lot!!!"

"I tried! I tried to help you! But I can't! I really cared about you but I can't reach you! I regret that I left you! I'm sorry!!! " I cried as I continue to defend myself from their physical attacks and personal supplications against me.

"You're lying, Princess! You're lying!" Danielle shouted at me angrily. "I should have known from the royalties like you. You are just using us as puppets, stealing our money and make us suffer more!"

"Huh?! What are you talking about?! I can't ever do that to anybody!!"

"ENOUGH!!!" Danica cuts a way through my barrier, leaving me defenseless. "It's time to pay the debt you owe us. You must die, Princess!!!

"Please...sniff...I beg of you...sniff...remember...sniff...all that we shared...when we are kids...sniff...if you can't...go ahead...sniff...kill me...sniff...but all I want to say is...sniff...I can't fight you...sniff...for you are my friends...sniff...I never betrayed you...sniff...I'm sorry!"

As I am about to die...to the sword...of the girls...that I still regard as my friends....somethings is happened on them...they suddenly dropped their swords...and shook their heads...perhaps somebody controlling them...to kill me. Coincidentally, Akihiko and Regine arrived to the bungalow, and come to my aid...

"Lily! Lily! Are you alright?!"

"Yes...I'm alright."

"Who is those people in front of you? Your enemies?!" Regine quickly pointed at them. "Hey! They are one of the finest knights! HIYAAA!!!"

"NOOO!!!" I quickly stopped Regine from casting fire magic at them. "They are my friends! I'm the one who will deal with them. There must be another way!"

Danielle and Danica stopped shook their heads and come into their senses. They pick up their swords and started to step closer towards me. Then...slowly...my wand...starts to glow...and when I pointed it to Danielle and Danica...I can't stop my mind from saying...

"Tutela inermium, destruendo malos, tradentes lucem et stabilienda pace. Aperi! Nova Ascia Imperialis Scriptura Veritatis!!!"

Huh?! I summon the Book of Truth?! Don't tell me that I should kill them?!?! NOOO!!! I won't!!!

I become uneasy as the Book starts to riffle its pages until...I saw something new on the book: "Innocent Being Possessed by A Lost Spirit"

And without saying a word...the Book turns towards Danica and Danielle and emits a bright light towards them...they screamed...and screamed...and screamed...until some spirit came out and absorbed by the book...they then fainted.

I crawled towards them and quickly cast healing on them...

"Vetita Novae Caesareae Carmen Ascia...Sanitatem Divina Genere!!!"

A circle of light formed around us three, healing all almost possible wounds that my friends have inflicted...from anybody who persecutes them...just to kill me...

Akihiko and Regine is startled by what I have done to them...

"Wow...I've never seen you this before...you have clean them..." Regine reacted.

"Yeah...I supposed so...I really don't know what happened...I don't know what it hit me...I only want my friends to remember what we cherish when we are just kids...then magic overtook me..."

And as just I wonder what really happened to me...Danica and Danielle, woke up beside me...

"Ugh...where am I? Huh?! Wait, wha-waaah!!! Princess Lily!!! Huhuhu!!!" The anger that they exhibited to me was replaced by the tears of joy. "I'm so sorry!!! I'm so sorry!!! Huhuhu!!!"

I then hugged Danica and Danielle very tightly.

"It's alright, guys...what's important is...you're in safe hands..."

And quickly, Danielle and Danica wipes their tears in their eyes, smiles, stands up and introduce themselves to me...

And quickly, Danielle and Danica wipes their tears in their eyes, smiles, stands up and introduce themselves to me

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"We are Danica and Danielle Milliore, at your service, Empress Lily!!!"

My Extraordinary Childhood Friend (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now