38 - Reload

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Darwin's POV:

"Are you hurt, miladies?"

"Wait...Darwin?! What are you doing here?!" Danica was startled by my sudden appearance to them. "Are you supposed to take sides with Princess Alice?"

"I was...but the situation is a little bit too easy for us, so Alice decided to dispatch in case that something is not right for both of you...well...it was."

"Yeah...that's our former mentor we are facing. Thanks for the help." Danielle smiled in gratitude. "How about you help us occupy their armament camp?"

"Oh, sure! That's what I'm here for!"

I teamed up with Danica and Danielle to help them occupy the armament camp from the Imperial Forces. Together, we quickly neutralize every attacking soldier in our path...giving opportunity for forces to advance. But I observed that our own forces have already penetrated through the thick line of defense that they built to defend it. I was oriented that because of its proximity to the camp, they are able to reload their ammunitions and stuff...making our forces difficult to get through it. But ever since I killed Danica and Danielle's former mentor...it seems that their morale is starting to collapse...

"No...please. Stop. We surrender." That's the same words we heard on and on again everytime we encountered an Imperial Forces soldier. Slowly...one by one...they started to put down their arms until...the only thing that happened is...they raised their hands up and tucked around their heads.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Danielle is visibly confused by the sudden change of atmosphere...for a moment, chaos and bloodbath exist...as both sides takes heavy casualties because of the Imperial Forces' tough defense line and the fierce offensive attempt of our Liberation Forces...and then...all of the sudden...this...and even the surrendering forces are confused...

"Umm...mam...sir...do you know what am I doing here?" A random soldier asked us.

"Yeah, mister. You're being hypnotized by your commander, General Carlos Franco, that my friend has killed." Danica explained for me. "He has cast a magic spell on you all...making you puppets of everything he wants from you."

Her words were then passed on within the surrendering troops, enlightening themselves about the real current situation...and then...the surrendering troops steps aside and make a way...for one veteran soldier...to face us...and our remaining troops...

"I am Major General Louis Lafayette...the second in command in this Imperial Forces." The veteran soldier introduces himself to us. "In behalf of the entire imperial military...I would like to declare our surrender to your army and to request forgiveness to all that we have done to you and the people of Nova Ascia."

And then...without any warning, the entire Imperial Forces...within the vicinity of the armament camp...bowed their heads in front of us...signifying their intention to surrender...

"Are you sure that you will never...ever side with General Ronald Castillo and his autocratic rule?!" Danica suddenly asked the surrendering troops.

"Yes, Mam!!!" They replied in unison.

Well then, you will not be prosecuted for the crimes against the people...if you join us in liberating Morato City...and the entire Nova Ascia...and return Her Highness, Princess Lily back into her righteous throne!"

The surrendering troops clapped in response. They would not be a prisoner of war anymore. Instead, they will help us to end the suffering of the people of Nova Ascia.

"Here...let me take you to our arms pile." Louis guided us to their armament camp. He then showed us their vast array of armaments ranging from swords, armor, gunpowder, among others. Should General Carlos Franco was not defeated...and his forces never surrendered, this is already enough to last the battle and won against our forces.

"Here sir, this are all yours." General Louis turned over all of his armaments to us. "Our forces still has sufficient supply to support yours."

"No, you still need this armaments." Danielle told Louis as she observes the stored supplies. "These supplies are still many that we may share it along with our existing armaments so we could able to meet our objectives very easily."

"Sounds a good idea, milady." Louis smiled at Danielle's idea. "You're a genius, milady. Thank you."

We then organized all the troops within the vicinity of the camp to line up to distribute all the armaments to them. For the troops formerly part of the Imperial Forces, they have given another chance to have a new purpose...to help us change the history of their own country.


Lily/Azusa's POV:

"Tutela inermium, destruendo malos, tradentes lucem et stabilienda pace. Aperi! Nova Ascia Imperialis Scriptura Veritatis!!!" I cast every spell on my Book of Truth just to defeat all the elite generals that surrounded and protecting the Imperial Castle. "HAAAA!!!"

"HIYAAA!!!" While my partner and familiar Akihiko is helping me slashing all the monsters and soldiers, dispatched by the elite generals, away from me.

"Here! I'll charge you." I cast a spell to energize him with my magic. "Vetita Novae Caesareae Carmen Ascia...Tempus Movere Magica Parem Translatio!!!"

"Thanks, Azusa-chan. Come on, let's go!!!" Akihiko, amidst the tense situation, gave me some motivation.

"Tee hee...thank you, Akihiko-kun!"

Together with his excellent sword fighting skills and all of my special magic spells from my Book of Truth that no ordinary people can have it, we have defeated a hundred elite generals that protected the Imperial Castle...

"Yaay! We did it!!! Hehehe!!!" I giggled and give my boyfriend a hi five. But...in the middle of it...I look towards the balcony of the castle...General Castillo looks on...and grins at us...before he disappears out of sight...

"Akihiko-kuuun...the time has come." My tone has become more serious. "We need to defeat General Castillo. I will do whatever it takes...to avenge my parents' death...and to liberate my empire..."

"Don't worry, Azusa-chan, I'm still watching your back." Akihiko told me as we walks our way towards the castle. "Remember...I promised you to protect you and help you reclaim the castle."

"Thank you, Akihiko." All that I do is smile at him. "Come...let's go...my beloved familiar..."

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