15 - Hangout

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June 6, 2014
Somewhere in Tokyo, Japan

Azusa's POV:

"Tutela inermium, destruendo malos, tradentes lucem et stabilienda pace. Aperi! Nova Ascia Imperialis Scriptura Veritatis!!!"

Sigh...a couple of monsters appeared before me and I have fought...Akihiko is not with me...but good thing that these monsters are unexpectedly weak and managed to subdue them immediately...

"Classis: Daemonium imperium. Et Videtur, Reus Est; Divinam sententiam!!!"

Sigh...it's already my routine to fight these monsters ever since Empress Angelica Diana's forces managed to find me here...

Okay...the monsters have been absorbed into the book...yaaawwwn...it's already dark...I should go home...


Huh?! Did I catch a cold? I do not expose myself into the elements! And then...wo-woah! I'm feeling wobbly...what...what's going on with me? My body shivers...my face is feeling literally hot...and...and...


I can't move! I can't breathe...properly...I'm...fainting...

Regine's POV:

Phew! I'm finally done with the works of the government for this week, so I decided to pay a visit to my best friend Azusa and her boyfriend Akihiko. I wonder what they are doing right now...I hope that I have the opportunity to know how they live in this supposed...modern world...

It's already night that I arrived in front of the place that Azusa is currently working. Well...I know the directions of Azusa's and Akihito's house. Hmm...though I know that Akihito takes care of her by letting her stay on his house but...since they are now couples...huehehe...I'm thinking very creati-aah!!!

"Umph!!!" Ugh! I just tripped over by somebody. I looked back and I saw...AZUSA?!?! She has raging fever...and she's gasping for air.

"Huh...Regine...thank goodness you're here...can you bring me...to Akihito's house?" Azusa faintly whispers to me.

Without hesitation, I brought Azusa into my arms and...

"Cito Volans Ambula!!!" I started running in midair...this make me faster to reach Akihiko's house. When I arrived there, Akihiko opened the door...

"Quick! Quick! Azusa is having a fever!!!"

Akihiko quickly became worried, quickly get Azusa from me, and immediately brought her into her bedroom. While I followed them and eventually observed Azusa's condition, Akihiko gone into the kitchen, and returned to the bedroom...carrying a wet towel, a pail of water, some medicines, and some apples. As he puts the wet towel in Azusa's head...

"Sigh...I'm so sorry...I have became careless to you." Akihiko apologized to the unconscious Azusa.

"Why? Is there something that we have fought about?" I asked him out of curiosity

"Nope...it's just that my mother called me in the middle of work earlier. I was trying to convince Azusa to come with me but she wants to stay because of her work. I already said that the other shrine maidens are ready to carry over her duties but she just declined. I know that she is usually tires easily and she is now exposed with her enemies but...but..."

"No. You shouldn't apologize. If she's really intend to work hard there, you did right: you didn't force her to come with you." I replied in line with our feelings as a lady. "And if your parents call you for emergencies like your case, why should we complain."

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