Chapter 63 - What do we do?

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Ally's POV:

Another horrible evening and sleepless night. I sighed as Michael tossed and turned in his sleep, he must be having a nightmare- and I don't blame him.

Lisa... She's crazy alright. The lengths she'd go through to destroy our relationship, to destroy Michael, is unbelievable.

Why should she have to take her anger out on us when she's the problem? Does she not realise that she's the one messed up in the head? That she's the one that brought this shitty life upon her? Clearly not.

I can't help but feel angry, and I as much as I hate to say it, Michael is not strong enough to end their feud. She's a criminal, Michael isn't. If she goes further than what she did today, and I fear she will, Michael will be the one in pain. He's too innocent- that's the problem! I'm not complaining, because him and his nature is what I fell in love with; but he's underestimating the power of a criminal.

I would just go to the police, but Michael won't have it, and that worries me. He wants to help this criminal, Lisa, he wants to make her happy. He doesn't want her behind bars, he wants peace with her. I can't help but think... think that maybe she still holds a part of his heart. Maybe he loved her too much to see her die in jail, and it's sickens my body to think that way. I want to be the one who has all of his heart, not part of it. And if this is true, then he's being vulnerable and putting himself in danger, because I sure as hell know Lisa never loved him and never will.

I suppose I should've expected this, dating the worlds most famous celebrity. But I am marrying him, and my love won't ever change for him.

I lay back down and secure him into my arms, hugging him close in his slumber. Stroking his curls, I kiss his forehead, and remain in his warming arms. Within seconds, he stops shuffling beneath the duvet after I held him, and all that can be seen is the peaceful rising of our chests as one.

I will protect this man as much as I can- I can't let Lisa get to him.


"Thanks for the delicious breakfast, baby," Michaels smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist as I leaned against the kitchen counter.

"You're welcome," I respond, just before he leans down to kiss me.

"So, when shall we have the marriage? I want so seal our relationship!" He laughs, pinching my cheeks.

Calmly I say, "As soon as possible, and where should we do it?"

"I mean, we could be traditional and do it in a church, but I think I found somewhere more beautiful. Let's go there today, yeah?"

"Okay! So you're gonna tell me or what?"

"I'll surprise you!" He chimes.

I laugh and get ready in my room.


We arrive at our destination, and I'm completely gobsmacked. This place is beautiful.

It's like a beautiful garden, like a fairytale garden, very poshly decorated and designed.

It's quite private and small, but still beautiful

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's quite private and small, but still beautiful.

"So, what do you think? Shall we get married here?"

"Oh, Michael, this is gorgeous! I'd love to et married here. I really like how privately located it is, because our wedding is going to be very small, right?"

"Yeah it is, it's just Katherine, Joseph, Jermaine and Janet from my side who can make it, and from your side?"

"Um, just Lindsay, Becca's mum, and Becca!"
*(correction above: her parents aren't alive- whoops, my mistake! - fore those who read before this update)

"Perfect. I can't wait to see you in your wedding dress," Michael smiles.

"And I can't wait to see you in your cute little wedding tuxedo," I pinch his cheek in a playful manner.

We rent the garden out and sort a date for the wedding- in one weeks time.

I pray that Lisa will stop messing with us, but the thing is, I don't know if she ever will.

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