Chapter 28 - Dreading

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Hey guys,
I'm really disappointed about the fact this book is losing so many reads, the first ten chapters got up to 100 reads, then it went downhill from 80 to 70 to 60 and now I'm on 40 reads per chapter...
It's upsetting because I take time out of my day to write all these chapters when I could be doing homework and what not. I would appreciate it if you could recommend this book to your friends and send it to them, it would make me happy because quite frankly, I'm not in a good mood. I have so many ideas and it would be a shame not to use them when my reads keep dropping.
Sorry for this negative note but please help me get more reads and votes.

Ally's POV:

I'm forced by a hand against my mouth as I am slammed against the wall. The door is locked shut and my vision goes blurry. Tears fill my eye as I pant heavily. I squirm and wriggle helplessly trying to get out of this grasp as I regain clear eyesight. As I focus, I see 4 men behind, in business suits holding, leather strips, knives, plain ropes and handcuffs. I swallowed as I observes the details in them.

The handcuffs were jet black leather, silver spikes surrounding the inside of the cuff, whilst a small black belt layered the outside. A golden chain connected it to the other cuff, the length was short, I was sure that would be painful.

My eyes drifted to the whips. This was suede dark brown leather. It had a studded silver handle at the top, with several strips of the leather, 10 or so, drooping down. The tips of each leash had a metal rectangle covering it. A lot of lashes at once was sure to be painful.

I followed onto the rope. It was plain twisted rope, straw-like strands poking out at the sides. It looks to be used before twice or thrice, but quite hard to tell. I look towards the knife the man in front of me is holding, sharp and silver, carved with initials A.B. I gulp harshly wondering what these terrifying objects will be used for. I know I have been raped before, only that was just under my own will. This time its both under my own will and triple times more harsh than I ever would have expected. I am going to be raped by a group of snobbish men.

I tremble as my eyes travel up to the man in front of me. He is holding the knife up to my neck.

"Wh-ho a-are y-you peo-ple?" I tremble still. Suddenly I feel a sharp burning sensation in my left cheek, he just slapped me.

"Our names do not concern you, you don't talk to unless spoken to you, understood?"

I nod several times. "Wh-what a-are you g-going to do with th-those?" I stutter pointing at the objects in the mens hands.  Immediately I am slapped against on my left cheek, again and I sob louder as the pain increases. I just disobeyed him.

"Now I have been watching you under my bosses orders, and we decided to have a little fun today, or should I say, for some time..." He says circling me body as the other men split up to the same eyeing my body.

The man with handcuffs walks over in front of me instead this time.

"Take off your clothes."

"No, please no." I plead with tears streaming down my face. I dread this day.

He grasps my wrist and says, "I said, do it."

The knife is still against my neck but I shiver as I slowly take of my pyjama bottoms. I'm too frozen in shock to call for help or to even face the consequences if I tried and failed.

My bottoms are off and I shiver in fear. The man with the knife took the blade and slices a large cut through one thigh. I wince in so much pain, even though it was not a deep or fatal cut.

I tremble and proceed to take my top off, I have no bra on, exposing my bare breasts.

The man spins me around to face the wall and slams my body against it. He grasps my fragile wrists and clasps the handcuffs around each hand.
He tightens the belt on it so the spikes compress against my skin, the agony is all too much already.
"Boy have we got a lot of fun..." He chuckles evilly.

Hey guys,
Tense chapter here, Michael has no clue about what's going on next door! Ally is gonna get raped! What's she gonna do! Stay tuned! Love you all xxx ❤️

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