Chapter 44 - I'll be there

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Ally's POV:

What happened? I feel my eyes flutter open. Where am I? Instantly, I feel a gut pain in my pelvis. Like where you get period cramps, except a thousand times worse. What happened?

The last thing I remember is being out in an ambulance, the screaming sirens draining my ears, and the flashing lights blinding me, before I blacked out.
And I could've sworn the last thing I head was when Michael said "I love you too.", but that could just be my imagination.

I look around. I am in a hospital room. Why am I here? I just remembered, it was Alex. He raped me, then the police came and I was taken to hospital. Ok, I
have gathered my bearings now.

My eyes struggle to adjust to the lighting in the room which I force to pry open. I hear a beeping noise, at a steady pace, I'm guessing that's my heart rate.

I feel numb in my area, why is it numb? I don't like this! This isn't normal!

I look to my left and see a sleeping Michael, leaning against his chair, his arms limp, yet his hand still grasping mine from throughout the night. He stayed here? He came?
I thought he wouldn't even want to see me after he found out about my feelings! I'm so frustrated and confused! I have no idea what has been going on since I got in that ambulance!

"Michael." I say groggily.
"Michael!" I repeat louder.

I try to shake his arm a bit? Which seems to have woken him up.

His eyes open slowly, then adjust a bit, then he realises I am awake and shouts up and cradles me.

His arms draped across my body, he cries on my chest.

"Oh god Ally you're awake! I don't think you know how scared I was of losing you! I almost lost you! Oh God Ally I swear to God, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! Times infinity!"

"Michael, what?" I say awkwardly.

"I know, it's out of the blue. But God knows how I feel about you. I've loved you ever since the day I met you. Allison Skylars, God I love you."

"You really mean that? You aren't just saying that because you know of my feelings?"

"Of course I mean it! I understand now! You are the only one that accepts me, understands me! Because you were there, I am here, and nothing can change that. We were meant to be! When I say I love you, I really mean it. I wish I could die, I wish I was in that bed right now, you don't deserve to be there, my love. You've only ever been an angel to me. I love you."

"Oh Michael, you have no idea how that makes me feel. I have held my feelings in all this time, it's such a relief to let them go, and to find out you love me back? Well that's even better!"

"Hang on, give me your hand." He says, so I gave him my hand.

He slides a ring on my index finger.
"It's a promise ring. I have one for myself too. I promise to never stop loving you, I promise to never leave your side, I promise to always be there for you, because I know I broke my promise of protecting you. But maybe these new promises will make up for it, and truly show you how much faith I have in us."

"Michael, thank you so much, I promise the exact same. But, I feel like you're rushing this a bit. I don't feel like you really love me- this could just be you shocked at my injury. I don't want to love you back knowing you just had feelings for Tatiana, whom I despise. It's impossible for you to instantly love me after a date with her! Can we take it a bit slower? Id rather not be asked out in a hospital in this chaotic moment in time, just wait a bit. Can you do that for me?"

"Oh, of course we an wait. I'm sorry for rushing, I just don't want to lose you."

"And you won't. I have my eyes set on none other than you."

"What about Bill? I thought you liked him?"

"Bill? Oh me and him, no way. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy, but not my type. I told him before all this happened, hence we didn't talk much."

"Ohh okay, I see. I only have my eyes on you too. I swear to God, I will spoil you to death, and you can't stop me. You deserve my everything."

"Michael, that's so sweet. It wasn't your fault this happened. And also, why is my pelvis hurting like hell?"

"Yeah, about that, here comes the bad news. Basically, you have had a vaginal tearing, and a ruptured cervix, because of this, you had lost tons of blood, which could have caused you to die. But you fought it all, you lived, my angel. So the downer is, you can't walk for 2 weeks. Well you will be in a wheel chair, and you will be having a small walking routine before you go to bed after 4 days. You will get used to this. The sooner you try to walk, the better you will get. And also, you can't have sex for 2 months, you're kinda- fragile down there because they just sutured the tearing." He says quieting down on the last note.
Wow, Alex pretty much destroyed me.

"Oh... I'm shocked. I can't walk for two weeks? I'm screwed. Who's going to help me go to the bathroom and shower?"

"We could have hired a home nurse, but I offered to do it, that's not a problem is it?"

"O-oh, that's good. But I don't want you to see the state of my body Michael, it's most probably horrific." I say worried.

"I've seen you naked enough to times to be used to it right? *chuckles* No matter how many scars you have, you will always be my angel, you are beautiful inside and out. A wise lady once said, never be shamed of your body, it will always be a work of art. Listen to your own advice Ally, love yourself the way I do."

I smile at his touching words, but confused at his sudden change if emotion.

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