Chapter 14 - True Friend

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Allisons POV:

We walk inside and go upstairs.

"You go dry off in your room and put your pyjamas to dry. Umm, wear this night robe instead." He says.

"Oh okay thanks Mike!" He hands me his furry robe. I go to my room shut the door and dry off. Well, I never wear bras to sleep so just panties. I wrap the robe round my bare body and tie a knot. Mmmm... Smells just like Michael, he smells so heavenly!

I go to his room and he is shirtless! Oh, I could melt right now. "Don't hide your body Michael." I say as he covers up his stomach. "I told you already, it's a beautiful work of art! Be proud of it, you're unique."

"But Allison, you're only saying that because we're best friends."

No I say it because it's true and I love you. Well that's what I really think.

I grasp the sides of his stomach causing him to tense and his abs are really visible! "Woah there Mikey! See! You got a fine pack of abs to to complete the masterpiece you are." He blushes and giggles.
"My point is, I would never say it if I didn't mean it. Best friends or not. It's true. I really hope Tatiana see's this in you. I really do."

"But that's what I am afraid of Ally, when and if I show her, what if she is disgusted?"

"I am sure she won't, but if she is, what do you think is a wise idea?"

"I know...But I really really like her, If she does not like it I can wear a shirt or something."

"No. Never. If she does not like you for you, she ain't worth it."

"Okay Ally, but I won't give up on her just like that."

Oh I wish he would drop it with Tatiana... She's a gold digger, she has had 6 husbands in the past and she used them all for money! She will use Michael too, I know it. But Michael does bot. But we shall wait and see.

I knock on Michael's door and go in.
"Oh hey Ally! Um you should pack your suitcases, but don't pack too much. I want to take you shopping to buy as many clothes as you want, whatever the price."

"No Mikey! Please don't, if I shall spend I can use my own money!"

"No Ally, this is my treat, besides, I can trust you and you don't usually get these opportunities in life. And you know I have the sort of money to buy you whatever so don't worry about it!"

"Mikey, can you at least give me a limit because I go crazy when I shop..."

"Your limit is unlimited! I am glad you go crazy when you shop because now you can have whatever you want." He smiles.

"Oh Mikey, you sure know how to please a girl. You're the bestest friend ever!" I give him a tight a hug.

He giggles as I hug him and jump around in circles. "Okay I will pack my stuff and go to bed! Night Mikey!"

"Night Ally-bear!" He kisses my forehead and I turn to leave.

We both pack our stuff and go to sleep.

Michaels POV:
Ally leaves to her room. I switch off my lights and sleep with the 3 hours of sleep I have left.

Oh Ally. I can trust her for sure, she don't want me for my money. She really respects me.

What she said about Tatiana, is true. If Tatiana does not like my body, then I shouldn't be with her. But who would want to give up on such a beautiful girl like her? 
The way she winked at me in the audition really caught my attention... Oh Tatiana


Hey guys!
This chapter is really short! I have decided to do chapters this long now! This way I can update faster which I am sure you guys want! Bare with me because I do have exams to revise for! Love you all xx ❤️

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