Chapter 42 - Hospital

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Michael's POV:

I feel Bill stand me up through my ongoing sobs.

"Michael! Pull yourself together! Be a man! Now the woman you love is in that ambulance, be strong for her! Do the right thing!" He shouts at me grasping my shoulders.

I nod, sniffing, drying my tears. I swallow and nod again.

"Ok, come on. Let's go."


"The hospital of course! I'm seeing my Ally!"

"Good on you Michael."

We get in my private car.

"You're driving?" He asks me.

"Haven't in a while, but I'm licensed! I can't be that rusty!"

"Have you any idea what happened the last time you drove a at? The police pulled you up for so many reasons!"

"Oh just get in!" I saw getting in the drivers seat.

He gets in the passengers seat and I drive off.

I am over the speed limit at the moment but I could care less, I can pay the fines off anyway, and Ally is what's most important to me right now.

"Look out Michael!" He screams as I swerve the fox crossing the road.

I zoom past, swerving across so many cars, passing the red traffic light.

After what felt like forever, we arrive at the hospital.

Bill gets out the car and holds his stomach.

"Y-you, need- driving lessons! You nearly got us killed!" He yells.

"Shut up bro, we need to get to Ally."

"Fine, lets go."

We get up to the lady in reception.

"Y-you're Michael Jackson!" She scream whispers.

"Yes I am, what room is Allison Skylars in?"

"Room 6, down that corridor to the left, it's an honour to meet you Mr.Jackson!"

"Thanks lovely!" I say and rush off down the hallway.

I bust open the doors to Ally's room, all the doctors heads turn to me. They carry on operations and one comes back up to me.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave sir."

"No! I must see Allison!"

"Sorry but you must abide to our rules sir, she is being operated on-"

"No! Let me see!" I say trying to barge through this man.
The man signals two men, assuming they are security, they escort me out, making me wait in the waiting room, opposite the room. I sit in the chairs, sulking.
I came here and they won't even let me see her!

"I suggest you behave yourself and wait here until you are allowed back in, otherwise we will have to ask you to leave the building, Michael Jackson or not, okay?"

I nod, clasping my face in my hands annoyed, as this man walks away.

"Hey dude, it's gonna be alright, they got it all under cover." Bill says patting my back.

"I hope so bro, man they are operating on her! A bunch of them!"

"I know I know, she must have seriously been hurt, it's all my fault, I should've called an ambulance sooner."

"No it's not, you didn't know how hurt she was or how much damage there could've been, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I promised I'd protect her from him, and I broke that."

"Dude, don't worry, you couldn't have known anyway! So what's going on with Tatiana?" He replies.

At that moment, a lady with a medical mask around her mouth comes out.

"Mr. Jackson, if you'd like to come in."

She opens the door and I nod hesitantly and walk in.

She motions me to sit down at a desk with her first, before I can see Ally, so I do so.

"Mr.Jackson, I'm afraid your friend has a vaginal tearing and a ruptured cervix. She has lost a great amount of blood, which may have caused her to die, but she managed to make it. God bless her. However, she has bled a lot from the vaginal tear alone, but we still need to operate on her. I will update you soon, any questions?"

I sat their dumbfounded. Ruptured cervix? Vaginal tearing? That son of a bitch! How on earth could he do that to her? That's my baby! My Ally he hurt! God make her live through this, please God.

"Yes, I have a question. Is there a chance she could still die?"

"There's a 35% chance she could die, due to the excessive blood loss. She is still losing a lot of blood from the breaking in the placental site, so we must suture all tearing in the vagina, in order for it to heal. Anything else?"

"N-no thankyou." I say and go back outside, shocked. I wish it was me in that bed, not her.

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