Birthday boy!

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To Peter Pan,
Happy birthday Michael! I drew this (drawing above) in memory of you! I love you with all my heart ❤️ I can't dance for hell but you still inspire me to try. You inspire me so much, I have now come to realise that we can still make the world a better place, all because of you. You are a legend that still lives on forever and always, fuck the haters. Us moonwalkers love you more than you can imagine. You drive me wild ❤️
Ps. You have the most beautiful smile in the world, I can't stop staring at your face lol! Its like heaven in a picture, plus its a fact that you have the most beautiful smile, I looked it up on images ❤️ I hope when you watch over me from above, you can see my love for you, and the special drawing I made for you :) xxx

Do you guys like my drawing? If so, share your thoughts! And I will update maybe today or tomorrow! Xxx

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