Chapter 33 - Mall

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Michael's POV:

I didn't mean to upset Tatiana in any way, I just don't want to put her first today, because today is based on Ally, and nobody else.

Of course I will spend on whatever Tatiana wants, I just hope she doesn't go overboard and steal the spotlight from Ally today. I tried to hint to Tatiana that today is for Ally so hopefully she understands that.

I can tell Ally is very happy, but she seems really lousy too, maybe not. I just, I don't know. I can't quite put my finger on it. Could it be to do with yesterday? Oh I give up.

They both seem fairly quiet. Who am I kidding, they have been silent the whole time. They haven't engaged in a conversation ever. It's only ever weird glances at each other but I told Ally to just be nice and she is so that's good.

The limo comes to a stop. Both Ally and Tatiana look out the window in awe. I grin at their reactions, especially Ally's. She is almost tearing up!

"Don't get emotional Ally! It's not all that!" I say wrapping my arm around her side hugging her. She still has her hand covering her mouth.

"Michael you have no idea how much I could ki- er squeeze you to death right now!" She said. It sounded like she said she wanted to kiss me. I would love to taste her soft plump lips again- what am I saying, but I am attracted to Tatiana, so I can't.

"As long as you're happy with it, I am. And I take it you're happy?"
I smiled.

"Oh Mikey-bear I'm so much more than happy!" I grin at her response and kiss her forehead.

I get out the limo and open the door for her and Tatiana.

Ally takes my hand and pulls herself out. On the other hand Tatiana is still gazing out her side of the window in awe.

Tatiana's POV:

Oh my holy heavens! This place is by far the best mall I have ever seen! That dress is just so cute! I have to get that! There's so many decorations and lights, it's like a winter wonderland! I sure could do with a man like this in my life, who has this much money to shop here!

And to think, all this for Ally? What is so special about her? I was hoping I would have more fun than her today, but I guess I won't seeing as he will be spending more on Ally than me, who knows what he'll do.

"Tati!" I hear my name called. I look back and Ally and Michael are already standing outside.

"Oh sorry!" I say whilst getting out.

"We called your name like 10 times!" Mike said whilst taking my hand.

"Sorry the place is just beautiful."

"Sure is." Ally replied gazing at the shops.

Ugh that bitch. Nobody asked for her opinion. I carried on walking in my killer high heels. She wasn't dressed as good as me, oh wait she's some skank off the street! That explains why, why would Michael ever date a normal, no disgusting, person who isn't famous? I'll never understand.

I strutted off in my killer heels. Michael followed next to me.

Michael's POV:

I catch up to Tatiana. We proceed to walking through the doors. I look to my other side and Ally wasn't there. I look behind and see her doubled over holding her knees. She looked as if she was in a great deal of pain.

I immediately ran over and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Ally sweetheart what's wrong?" I ask.

"Sweetheart? That's different." She says.

I blush at her comment.

"Anyway, why are you doubled up and why do you seem in pain?"



Ally's POV:

I was really hoping it wouldn't be this painful to walk but it really is.

They were walking ahead too fast for my liking and I just had stop and relieve myself. It is so hard to walk, I feel as though my pelvic bones have been torn apart.

Michael saw me and ran straight up to me. He called me sweetheart and that made my stomach do flips. I saw Tatiana standing outside a shop looking at dresses on mannequins, wow she cares a lot.

Meanwhile, I have to give my excuse to Michael.

"Anyway, why are you doubled up and why do you seem in pain?" He asks me.

"Umm..." It will be awkward to say it's period cramps even though it's not.

"Well?" He asks looking worried.

"Well, I am in pain, because it's that time of month, with really really bad cramps, so bare with me." I half smile in pain.

He turns away still holding my arm and makes a 'yeesh my bad' facial expression.

"Mmhmm." I nod.

"Well we can walk slower and take your time when your shopping, okay?"

"Okay thanks Mike."

"Looks like Tatiana has chosen our first shop!" He smiles looking at her in the distance.
I frown at how he is attracted to her, it's almost as if he's completely lost all attraction for me, I'm just his ordinary best friend.
We make out way over to her and go inside the dress shop.

Hey guys!
Hope you like the story so far!
Love ya xxx ❤️

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