Chapter 10 - Forgive

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*Mature Content*

Michaels POV:

I wake up and I see my arm tightly wrapped around Allison's waist, snuggles up close to her. Her back faced me as her butt remained where my crotch was. I felt it getting hard... I immediately move away to get rid of my now forming erection. Thankfully, it goes back to normal.

I was drunk last night. But I had felt the urge to cuddle with Allison. She has this effect on me that nobody else has.
Theres a place in my heart for her and nobody else. But I just don't like her that way.

I have eyes for someone else. Yes it's Tatiana. She is so gorgeous! They way she moves in my video is so good. She is like a princess to me, I think she likes me too, but I could be wrong.
I plan on taking her on a date whilst on tour. Oh that reminds me, I never told Allison about the tour! I told her she could stay for the week, and I am leaving tomorrow!

She could seriously flip, I will invite her to the tour but I doubt she will accept. I should wake her up so I can tell her. Better late than never. And technically it's never too late. I shake her lightly and kiss her forehead.

This is a 6 month tour, I don't know if this is going to go down well...

I kiss all around her face, basically showering her face with kiss until she gradually wakes up pushing my face away. "Ugh ew Michael stop!" She giggles. I stop and we both sit up against the head board, legs laid out. "We need to talk" we both say at the same time. "Um, can you come sit on my lap?"
She looks at me confused and moves to sit on me. She sits right on my crotch! Woah! Oh please don't get hard, please don't get hard! Its no use, I am hard. She shuffles a bit, rubbing her sex around my crotch unknowingly. I let a soft whisper moan escape my lips. She smirked. I think she knows I am turned on.
"Basically, I am going to tour." I manage to say.
"Michael, I wanted to talk to you about this."
"How'd you know?"
"Janet, and shouldn't I have the right to know? Shouldn't I have been told earlier?"

"Look, I am so sorry! I know I am leaving tomorrow, but you are welcome to stay at Neverland as long as you want, you can stay here with Janet and your friends if you want."

"Its ok Michael, but sorry, that's not what I want."

"What do you want?"

"This..." My eyes widen as she looks up and me seductively. She lowers herself to my crotch so her face is at it. She rubs it on my jeans, I am rock hard. I let a moan escape again. She gets off me and stands up off the bed. She starts to unbutton her dress, her back facing me. I am here left speechless. She drops the dress, no bra! Her body is gorgeous, I must admit. I know she is my best but a guys can't help it but let her in these situations. She slides her red sexy thongs off, and her beautiful bum is facing me.
Still with her back turned to me, she says,"Question is Michael, is this what you want?"

"Uh-I-I-uh-I-uh.." I stutter.

She turns around and leaps on me. Her sex on my jeans. She starts to grind on me over my jeans. I have a full erection. She licks my cheek.
She unzips my zipper and the buttons to my boxers. Out springs my huge dick. She takes her dainty fingers and rubs it. I am throbbing like hell. She flips her hair to the side and licks the side of my member. She then shoves it all on her mouth and goes up and down twice. I grunt and moan. She take it out of her mouth and says, "Well? Do you still want that Tatiana now huh?"
My eyes widen again and I push her off me.
"What? You! How could you do this? You want to get me in bed so I don't like Tatiana!"

"Um no...well..? Technically, I guess..." She says on the other side of the bed. I zip my jeans back up.
"You should be ashamed Allison. I'm taking a shower ok". I shake my head. Why would she do that? Am I like fun to play with? More than a best friend? Who knows.

She nods. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. She should be in her room napping by now. I take my clothes of and get in the shower.
10 minutes later...

I turn the shower off and wrap a towel round me. I hear moaning and breathing. I walk out the bathroom only to see Allison on my bed masturbating!!

She is sprawled out on the bed. She has two fingers she is pumping her fingers in her. She moans, "oh Michael.." She cums all over my sheets.

"What the fuck Ally!" I scold her.

"You said no rules at Neverland!"

"Fine! Go an masturbate in your own room!"

"But I can still be in this bed with you whilst you sleep, and I masturbate. Right?"

"No! You can't! You used to tell me it was wrong! Now I am! You are trying to use me for sex. If we are best friends, we have to be like best friends."

"Okay fine." She gets up to go to her room naked, taking everything but her panties which she left on my bed.

"Allison wait!" I call. She comes back up to me and straddles me.

"Yes?" She says whilst clinging onto me as I hold her up by her firm ass.

"Okay... Well I was going to ask you if you wanted to come on tour with me? You don't have to though!"

"Michael I would love to! I was actually going to ask you!"

She crashes her lips onto mine, I find myself kissing her back.

"Thats great! Well um, I can't really kiss you anymore, because I have a thing for someone else."

"Oh um yeah of course, Tatiana. And I am sorry for wanting you to full fill my sexual desires. I don't like you that way or anything... I just haven't got any of it lately if you get me. I'm so sorry Mike! Forgive me!" She burst out into tears.

I put her down so she stands bare in front of me.

"Allison, you are so beautiful, and I am sure you will find a man. Let's put this in the past, because I do. I do forgive you."

I grab her face. I stare deep into her eyes. Her effect on me is so intense. I kiss her. With so much passion. My eyes close. Her hand cups my cheek. I feel like we are spinning in a locked kiss. This is the most beautiful kiss ever. Our lips brush against each other ever so often. She bites my lip and I feel the electricity. We connect our lips softly once more and open our eyes slowly.

"Our last kiss. Our last most beautiful kiss. We put everything behind us, starting now." I hold her arms.

Boy I wish that was Tatiana kissing me because I sure did feel something.

She nods as a tear escapes her eye. I brush it off with my thumb and hug her. Oh lord I forgot she was naked. Her boobs are all over me!

I giggle, "Go get changed, pack your bags, and we can watch a movie in my room."

She smiles and nods. She scurries back to her room.

Back to normal best friends! Tatiana here I come!

Allison's POV:

Oh I don't know what has gotten into me, I guess I was sexually frustrated. It was so hard for me to lie to Michael, saying I didn't like him more than a best friend, but I can't exactly tell him the truth. I guess the reason why I want him to be mine so much is because he treats me like I am a princess, he cares for me, unlike my ex. Who I despise. He was the worst thing that ever happened to me. He is evil, and bloody cruel. He raped me. He beat me. He threatened me. I never told Michael about this.
My ex boyfriend was a monster.

Hey guys!
This was quite sexual, awkward to write but u want it! She was so sexually frustrated! We have an ex boyfriend coming in! Will Allison tell Michael of her haunting past? What will she do about Tatiana? What about her feelings? Bad things are starting to build up! Stay tuned! Love you xx ❤️

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